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4Player Podcast #594 - Do Straws have Holes? (Devil May Cry 5, Baba is You, Resident Evil 6, and More!)
As you all know, we answer the important, life altering questions on our show. For instance, this week we debate whether or not straws have holes and I think we came up with a definitive answer. Perhaps more importantly, we talk about Devil May Cry 5 which has proven to be a very divisive game wi...
Published by 4Player Podcast on March 16, 2019
4Player Podcast #593 - Peering into a Duck (Nintendo Labo VR, Capcom Winning Streak, Monster Hunter World, and More!)
We are on the cusp of a whirlwind month of high profile game releases... This week however... is rather quiet. That won't stop us though! Nintendo finally announced their introduction to the VR space this week with Nintendo Labo VR and Capcom is on cloud 9 now that early reviews have ensured that...
Published by 4Player Podcast on March 10, 2019
4Player Podcast #592 - The PokePorn Show (Slay the Spire, Monster Hunter World Witcher DLC, Pokemon Sword/Shield, and More!)
We may only have a Skeleton crew on hand to record the show this week but that can't stop us from taking deep dives into hot new games like Slay the Spire and Metro Exodus! Brad jumps at the opportunity to rave about the recent Monster Hunter World event starring the titular character of the Witc...
Published by 4Player Podcast on March 2, 2019
4Player Podcast #591 - The Disaster Show (Metro Exodus, Ace Combat 7, and More!)
This week's show can only be described as a disaster. We lost power mere moments after going live and were forced to record the show out of order, in the dark, while streaming to Twitch from our phones! But as they say, "The show must go on!" Despite all that, we managed to crank out some good di...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Feb. 24, 2019
The Future of Resident Evil is in Our Hands. Let’s Not Mess this Up! [Update: Survey Concluded]
Resident Evil has obviously been on my mind A LOT lately. I played through a pretty good chunk of the series in the past 6 months in preparation for the remake of Resident Evil 2 and luckily, that game turned out to be a wet dream for any fan of classic Resident Evil. It drew inspiration from ele...
Published by Nick Henderson on Feb. 20, 2019
4Player Podcast #590 - The Devil's Lettuce Show (Daemon X Machina, Kingdom Hearts 3, Nintendo Direct, and More!)
It's Valentines Day at the 4Player "offices" but we care not; Instead, we raise our glasses to Nolan and Ed who both recently celebrated Birthdays! On the gaming front, we talk more about the hot (but charming) mess that is Kingdom Hearts 3 and Krispy gives his initial impressions of the new demo...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Feb. 16, 2019
Chris Davis's Top 10 Games of 2018
Now that Chris Davis has poured his blood, sweat, and tears into another round of Game of the Year videos, it is time for him to present his own picks for the best games of 2018! It may seem like he is married to his work but this is the guy who found 800+ hours to play The Division 2 while servi...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Feb. 13, 2019
4Player Podcast #589 - Nort the Kingdom Hearts You Remember (Kingdom Hearts 3, Wargroove, Apex Legends, and More!)
After more than a decade of waiting, Kingdom Hearts 3 is a real live video game that is available to purchase! It maintains it's charms but ends up being a bit of a mixed bag in our eyes thanks to some... questionable production choices. Additionally, the group shines a light on Wargroove, a love...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Feb. 7, 2019