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PAX East 2014: Tetropolis Demo with Developer Commentary
In this exclusive world premiere, Bob and Brad give you a walkthrough of the PAX East 2014 demo of Next Gen Pants' first game: Tetropolis.
Published by Brad Simons on April 11, 2014
PAX East 2014: Hamster Wheels and Goat Saddles Podcast
The PAX East crew sits down to discuss their hopes and dreams going into PAX East 2014. What's going to be there? What's not going to be there? Will we play with a giant, virtual hamster wheel? Will Bob get any sleep? Only time will tell! The official event kicks of tomorrow and we couldn't be mo...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 11, 2014
Trailer Talk 57 - Spectacular Spooky Special
This week I discuss trailers for some upcoming Horror games. It's actually a coincidence that most of the trailers I wanted to show just happened to be horror games. It's just a really good time for the genre. I'd like to think the quality of recent horror games was reinvigorated around the time ...
Published by Brad Simons on April 10, 2014
4PP 358: The "Bluebonnets Every Weekend" Show
At the time of this posting, the crew is headed to Boston for PAX East. Our last show before the weekend festivities includes impressions of Diable 3 (Brad actually played it), Mount and Blade, and more! Spirits are flying high on the eve of PAX so enjoy the show! We'll be bringing more video gam...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 10, 2014
PAX East 2014: Community Meetup This Saturday!
PAX East 2014 is almost upon us! As I'm sure you are already aware, 4Player will be in attendance at this weekend's big event in Boston. Nick, Nolan, Kris, Zack, Jeff, and Bob will all be on site to play games, mingle, and be merry! Of course, it wouldn't be PAX without a kickass community meetup...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 8, 2014
Metal Gear Solid V's Trip Over the Line of Good Taste
Last January, I wrote an article about Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes concerned that the “dark content” we had been promised wouldn’t be handled in a mature manner, or would be shock value for the sake of shock value.
Published by Zack Wheat on April 4, 2014
The Elder Scrolls Online Launch Trailer Almost Makes Me Want the Game
I have to emphasize the "almost" here, but it's still worth watching this incredibly slick launch trailer.
Published by Zack Wheat on April 4, 2014
4PP 357: The Blue Jeans and Red Shirt Show
Welcome to the first episode of the 4Pewdie Podcast. The podcast completely dedicated to all Pewdie Pie, all the time. APRIL FOOLS. HAHA, I bet we had you going there for a second. Brad and Nick hash out there feelings about Infamous: Second Son and Nolan expresses his love for Yoshi's New Island...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 4, 2014