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PAX East 2014: 'Invisible, Inc.' Gameplay & Impressions
At PAX East 2014, Nick and Krispy were fortunate enough to get some time with Klei Entertainment to try out Invisible, Inc. Originally titled Incognita, this turn-based tactical espionage game stays true to the espionage genre but twists the tactical RPG genre by almost completely stripping the g...
Published by Zack Wheat on April 15, 2014
PAX East 2014: 'There Came an Echo' Interview
Of course, it wouldn't PAX East without some kick ass new indie games comin down the pipe. Zack has a chat with the lead developer at Iridium Studios about a new voice controlled game, 'There Came an Echo'. The game features fully voiced game controls and a fleshed out narrative starring none oth...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 14, 2014
PAX East 2014: 'Evolve' Impressions
One of the big surprises of the show has been the playable demo of Evolve, the latest game from 'Turtle Rock Studios'. Following in the footsteps of Left 4 Dead but with an Asymmetrical twist, this game certainly appears to have what it takes to be the next big Multiplayer hit. 
Published by Nick Henderson on April 14, 2014
PAX East 2014: 'The Evil Within' Impressions
Nick and Nolan break down their opinions of the latest showing of 'The Evil Within'. It is sure to be a devisive title as the game certainly isn't bad looking but it certainly doesn't reflect what you might expect from following the game's marketing.
Published by Nick Henderson on April 14, 2014
PAX East 2014: The Nick is Lost Podcast
PAX Day 1 is over and after a long day, the crew sits down to talk about some games! We'll be bringing more video game goodness to you from PAX East this weekend so stay tuned! Be sure to check the site each day as videos will be hitting the site before they go live on YouTube!
Published by Nick Henderson on April 12, 2014
PAX South Announced for San Antonio in January 2015!
Rumored for weeks that the Penny Arcade Expo would be expanding to a new venue, Penny Arcade founders Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik took to the PAX East stage today to announce their plans to continue their global conquest...
Published by Chris Davis on April 12, 2014
PAX East 2014: 'Wolftenstein: The New Order' Impressions
Bethesda was on site at PAX East to show off the latest demo for Wolfenstein: The New Order. The game has demoed well in the past and has actually inspired some enthusiasm from several of the staff here, myself included. With that said, Zack and Jeff were not quite as enthused with the demo on ha...
Published by Nick Henderson on April 12, 2014
PAX East 2014: Day Zero
On the night before PAX begins, Nolan, Nick, Kris, Zack and more explore Boston.  Brought to you through the eyes of our traditional Brad Cam.
Published by Chris Davis on April 11, 2014