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Nintendo President Is Unconcerned About Frequent Mario Releases
Satoru Iwata, the president of Nintendo, has said in an interview with Kotaku that he isn't worried about the two upcoming Mario games, New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. U, being released so close together.
Published by George Denison on Aug. 20, 2012
Tokyo Jungle Comes to North America in September
Hey remember Tokyo Jungle! It's that strange Sony game were you play the part of animals in a post-apocalyptic, yet beautifully lush, Tokyo who are all fighting each other for survival. It's super weird looking but also looks really fun. Needless to say, we've been wanting to play it since we fir...
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 20, 2012
New Grand Theft Auto 5 Screens Go ZOOM and VROOM...
...and whatever sound a bicycle makes.
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 20, 2012
4PP 282: The Not Quite Racist Show
The gaming dry spell has finally lifted! The crew sit down and discuss a trifecta of quality titles that invaded both consoles and handhelds in the past week. Summer of Arcade finally bares some quality fruit and Darksiders seems to have stepped up its game in every aspect in the highly anticipat...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Aug. 19, 2012
Storytelling in Video Games
As an avid reader and writer of Fiction, story has always been a very important aspect of video games for me. Even if a game is completely average in just about every aspect, I really would not mind if it has a good story and interesting characters. Compared to writing a story for a novel or T.V....
Published by Frank Hartnett on Aug. 18, 2012
Is Mists of Pandaria the End of a World?
People's desires are changing, and with them the very atmosphere that sustained WOW as the king of online gaming entertainment for so long. Blizzard would be exceptionally foolish not to notice these changes happening right in front of them, and I don't believe they would be blind to the effects ...
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 16, 2012
Audible Impressions: Sleeping Dogs
Jeff, Joseph and Chris sit down to talk about Sleeping Dogs.
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 16, 2012
Gamescom: Hitman Absolution Multiplayer Trailer is a Sigh of Relief
I've been afraid of a multiplayer component of Hitman: Absolution for some time now. A standard deathmatch mode with hitmen -and hitwomen- all killing each other in a small arena map would have been the easiest thing for the developer to do...and at the same time, the most misdirected.
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 15, 2012