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Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 24, 2012
Tengami: A Game of Paper
Inspired by the classic "pop-up" books of my childhood, and crafted by four former employees of the acclaimed Rare development team is not all that Tengami is. This iOS adventure-puzzler is also innovation, beauty, and imagination in our favorite form.
Published by Jeffrey Demelo on Aug. 23, 2012
5 Original Ideas For Games (That Will Probably Never Get Made)
I've moaned and complained about a large number of videogames over the years, calling out uninspired sequels and dreary ideas, but could I do any better? Well, probably not, but I'd give it a damn good go given the chance. Here are some ideas I would bring to the drawing board, most likely before...
Published by George Denison on Aug. 22, 2012
Sony Liverpool/Psygnosis to Shut Down
This seems to be a week for news of old icons shutting their doors forever. First we had Nintendo Power and now we have Sony Liverpool, or as we knew it during the PS1 era, Psygnosis, shutting down for good.
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 22, 2012
More GTA 5 Screens Mosey In...and Catch Some Tennis
A few days ago Rockstar dropped three GTA V screens and told us to expect more info this week. We'll, it's later in the week and that more info turns out to be...more GTA 5 screens! At least that's all so far.
Published by Joseph Christ on Aug. 22, 2012
Welcome to Stereotype City
There is a little known land, just a step outside of our world. It is in this place, that everything that has ever or will ever be conceived is born and lives for all eternity. Some have called it Imaginationland, but it really has no name other than what we conceive to give it. Within Imaginatio...
Published by Tara Roth on Aug. 21, 2012