I have my own opinions about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon but I will say this, there is something about the aesthetic that has resonated -most probably with older gamers- in a way that I really haven't seen yet. And I understand why. A big part of my youth was staying up late and watching bad sci-fi on Showtime. Movies like Hardware and Wedlock began appearing after that magical midnight hour...not to mention the more racy stuff on Cinemax.

It's great to see that part of my childhood get some real attention, and though I might not be absolutely crazy about Blood Dragon yet (I've only played about 3 hours) I am a big fan of the Blood Dragon THING that has happened suddenly. People's imagination has been sparked by its ridiculousness, and now seem bent on pushing that even further.

Enter YouTuber Mike Diva's take on the Blood Dragon setting complete with sky surfing, computerized gatling guns, and a guy riding a flying shark with laser eyes. It's like looking into the vagina of the Virgin Mary.

I'm really hoping that Blood Dragon picks up for me. All indications say that it will and I'm waiting for the moment when the excitement I'm feeling from watching these fan videos transfers to my gaming experience. Am I asking too much? Of course if Blood Dragon doesn't do it for me there might be another chance. The popularity of Blood Dragon has lead Ubisoft saying to the game industry, “Why so serious?” and looking into the possibility of a full fledged sequel.

What's been your experience with Blood Dragon so far?


  • Nick Henderson Avatar
    Nick Henderson
    11 years, 8 months ago

    It took an hour or two but Blood Dragon did finally click for me. I'm having a blast with it. The ridiculous enhancements to the weapons alone is enough to justify the $15. It also happens to be hilarious...

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    absolutely love this... wish I had the money for the game... and to quote something I heard you say joseph...
    "I need this in my urethra, now!"

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Once again another terrible analogy but this time there is a new blood dragon video which is once again really awesome.

  • Locked Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I picked this up a couple of days ago, while starting out I had the feeling of "Oh this is neat". That sadly didn't last long, I ran into many non enjoyable "buggs" while playing.

    Invisible barriers around objects (walls,rocks, trees etc.) makes it tough to actually snipe/bow since you hit these "walls" very often. Also, I had fell through the map a couple of times after jumping from moving vehicles (jeeps) thus was thrown under the map to enjoy an infinite fall through nothingness, when I warped to a outpost I was stuck in place until I reset my game and loaded a save from a previous time (game breaking bugg).

    Or how about "I hope I don't have to collect any flags" or "I hope I don't have to collect any feathers" on repeat for the entire game, while looting object scattered around the world map the character will respond EVERY time with the same stale dialogue.

    But if you enjoyed raiding outpost, then I would recommend this to everyone, but with only about 4 missions through the entire game, you better enjoy it while you can as this won't be lasting that long with playability.

    Overall, I enjoyed the game, nice take of a FPS (aesthetic wise) but little glitches/buggs kinda ruin the joy to be had after an hour or two. But to each his own.~