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Subscriber News Roundup for December 2013
Hey everyone. Subscriber Night was a rousing success as I think I convinced a couple of our staff that Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a must play. We also gave away several copies of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons thanks to community member Meltdown. Our new Subscriber of the Month for Decem...
Published by Brad Simons on Dec. 14, 2013
Next on 'Nick at Night' - Community Choice
With 2013 quickly entering the rearview mirror, it is almost time to look ahead at 2014. I personally feel like I accomplished a lot in terms of my gaming goals this year. I actually dabbled in PC gaming and had some exciting new experiences, I played and finished more handheld titles than ever b...
Published by Nick Henderson on Nov. 28, 2013
Test Your Might: 'Resogun' High Score Challange
How much better, at the video games, are you than me? Find out, every week, with 4 Player Network's TEST YOUR MIGHT challanges. I'll set the bar. It's up to you to raise it... if you can!
Published by Jeffrey Demelo on Nov. 19, 2013
Grand Theft Auto 5 has Arrived. What Do You Think So Far?
It's hard to believe that another Grand Theft Auto has finally hit store shelves. Rockstar has been slaving away at this game for years and has pumped more money than god into its production. Expectations are incredibly high and hype is rampant. Of course, our review is coming but in the meantime...
Published by Nick Henderson on Sept. 17, 2013
Gearbox has Aliens: Colonial Marines campaign DLC, we got poet laureates.
ACM DLC OUT. That is a terrifying threesome of three letter words. A menage a trois de trois that is very far from sensuous. A triumvirate of triples that tears apart the psyche of the most hardened of men and feasts within their souls only to propagate in a manner ...
Published by Carlos Ottino on July 23, 2013
Prop Hunt: Community Multiplayer Night
Prop Hunt is a mod for Garry's Mod filled with awesome-sauce! The players are split into two team Props and Hunters. The goal when you are a Prop is to take over an inanimate object in the environment and hide from the Hunters. You can move around as a Prop but it's kind of obvious when you see a...
Published by Nolan Hedstrom on July 11, 2013
E3 2013: Community Meet Up Details
Hey guys and gals. Are you pining for the opportunity to meet the lovely members of 4player Network? Philipe's has become a bit of a tradition for us, so we will be there again this year.
Published by Brad Simons on June 12, 2013
This Week in the Community (May 26th, 2013)
Sometimes, when we do the podcast, we tend to run out of time to answer viewer questions after talking about impressions and the week's news so, to counter this, we've decided to give the community their own segment separate from the show. Submit your questions in the forums and maybe we'll answe...
Published by Joseph Christ on May 27, 2013