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Zenimax Plays It Safe With Elder Scrolls Online, And Drops The Ball In The Process
We've all heard the news by now. The Elder Scrolls Online is a real thing, being produced not by Bethesda but by Zenimax Online, an offshoot of Bethesda's parent company. There had been whispers of this news for a few months, and I would argue that the churning of those voices began even sooner,...
Published by Joseph Christ on May 7, 2012
Cocktail Time Live: Ep. 2 - "Baby Fueled Catalyst Applesauce"
Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE! In Episode 2 Joseph Christ, Bob Webb and Brad Simons sit down to talk about Prototype 2, Trials Evolution, Lazy Lizards and we have a special live interview with The Catalyst from Mass Effect 3!
Published by Joseph Christ on May 3, 2012
The Only Black Ops 2 Trailer You'll Ever Need to See
Some of you may have seen this already, but I'm posting it for those few and sorry souls who have not. Believe me, this will give you new faith in a series that many have called stale. And it may even give you a new vigor for life as well. Needless to say, if Black Ops 2 can bring us a little of ...
Published by Joseph Christ on May 3, 2012
Saints Row: The Third Gets Expansion, Super Powers
Saints Row: The Third is getting super powers.
Published by Joseph Christ on May 3, 2012
New Dishonored Screens Hit
Bethesda has released new screens today showing off some environments and some first-person visuals from their upcoming assassin game Dishonored.
Published by Joseph Christ on April 30, 2012
God of War IV Shows Off Multiplayer In New Video
Well since it's in everything else...why not God of War?
Published by Joseph Christ on April 30, 2012
Skyrim Update Contains Hidden DLC Assets. Also, Crossbows
When Skyrim update 1.5.26 was recently released those on Bethesda's official forum went to work picking it apart. Treating it like a dungeon located far outside Windhelm, they skulked through various folders in the hope of getting their adventurous fingers on its most delicate of bits. And what...
Published by Joseph Christ on April 27, 2012