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The Week of July 8, 2013
The weekend is finally here! Time to recap some important news buzzing around the game industry.
- It is with heavy hearts we say goodbye to Giant Bomb's Ryan Davis. The guys pour one out for Ryan in the latest podcast. Our deepest condolences to his widow, family and friends, and the gaming community as a whole.
- EVO 2013 kicked off on Friday and you can check out today's fights here including Super Smash Bros. Melee which, keeping on trend with notable industry reversals thus far, was initially banned by Nintendo.
- Editor-in-Chief Steve Butts introduced new moderation guidelines for the comments section at IGN. This is a great step forward to making the gaming community more inclusive.
- Are you going to San Diego Comic Con this year? If so, I hate you. Also, Sony confirmed that the PS4 will be playable to the public then with the games DriveClub, Octodad and Knack. Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann and comic artist Faith Erin Hicks will be signing copies of The Last of Us: American Dreams, and Telltale Games will discuss the Vita version of The Walking Dead alongside Robert Kirkman and Don Mesa.
- The first 25 minutes of the upcoming action-adventure title Murdered: Soul Suspect are very intriguing. The game will be released early 2014 on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. This is such a unique concept and I'm looking forward to seeing what Airtight Games bring to this genre.
- Brian Crecente of Polygon reports that the CDC are reviewing a research proposal by the Institute of Medicine which would focus on firearm violence as a direct result of violence in many forms of media, including video games.
- Sony dropped its appeal to the UK's Information Commissioner's Office and will pay a £250,000 fine related to the massive PSN hack back in April 2011, which ICO describe as a "serious breach of the Data Information Act."
- Have you seen this Fallout fan-made short film? It's incredible.
- Did you pick up any titles from the drool-worthy Steam sale? Other titles to come out in the last week were Civilization V, Dota 2 for MAC and Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection for the PS3. I also hear Dishonored is only $20 on Xbox Live for gold members until tomorrow! What's kept you busy?
That wraps it up for this week. If a game-related event occurs during the week and you think it deserves a mention, then please contact me and let me know.
11 years, 8 months ago
Even though I never listened to an episode of Giant Bomb sad to hear them lose one of their key members.
That whole CDC thing worries me I just hope it does not get greenlit by the higher ups.
Finally IGN doing something right? Things are changing.
11 years, 8 months ago
"Are you going to San Diego Comic Con this year? If so, I hate you."
Welp, I'm going to SDCC. Though I probably won't try to get my hands on the PS4, the lines will be too long.
11 years, 8 months ago
I really enjoyed watching EVO this year. It is my first viewing and I've learned some stuff from watching high level pros play. I want KoF XIII, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I remember why I love fighting games after watching Evo. Finals day is going to get insane!