og:image:, Nintendo, Smash Bros. Melee, EVO

Update: It looks like Nintendo has changed there mind and are now allowing EVO to stream Super Smash Bros. Melee.  Good on them.

Original Story

Nintendo...allow me to speak for the plethora of gamers in the world who have been watching you over the past several years. What the fuck are you doing?

No really. Seriously. What's going on? Do you need medication? Do you need counseling? Maybe just a friend? There's been a lot of signs over the past year but this one surely takes the cake. Let me explain.

Today, Nintendo banned the biggest fighting event, EVO, from broadcasting Super Smash Bros. Melee for the world to see. Yes, they banned the biggest fighting event in the world from giving them free publicity during a time when their main console, the Wii U, is struggling for its very life. Not only that, but supporters of the game raised almost $95,000 for charity to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to even get it into the fighting tournament. But that doesn't matter to Nintendo, who seems to do things just to do them in a random, almost manacle sense.

I'm now convinced that every morning Iwata get's up and stands before a giant dart board, with each section filled with a differet slogan. He then dons a blindfold and throws a dart. Whatever pie piece the dart lands on decides what Nintendo will do that day. A few months ago the dart landed on “NEVER DO ANOTHER E3 PRESS CONFERENCE EVER!” and today it landed on “BAN OUR SICK FILTH!” obviously.

Really Nintendo? Do you have a clue what advertising costs? You must! You've been doing this for so long...and now you're going to turn down free advertising? I would take free advertising if it meant showing my stretched out anus on a billboard over Las Vegas if it had 4PlayerNetwork.com on it. But here you are, not only banning it, but banning it in the face of charitable givings in its name. Are you even paying a modicum of attention?

Industry folk have now been coming out against the move and a hashtag #freemelee has now been setup to raise Twitter awareness. And no matter how you feel about the fighting game scene, I think we can all agree that this is a terrible move.


  • ChaiThai Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    It's also the largest Smash Bros Melee tournament ever with nearly 700 competitors, and the 3rd largest tournament held that weekend (behind Street Fighter 4 and Marvel VS Capcom 3).

  • Jeremy Flower Avatar
    Jeremy Flower
    11 years, 8 months ago

    They want them to only have the new one. If they do Melee, the message is "Don't buy the new one, only Melee got it right."

  • rabbeseking Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Nintendo is run by retards.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    WOW, are these people serious? Nintendo, being the most conserved, backward-assed company won't allow their main game to be played? And it's the most hyped too, since a ton of people donated to the charity for Smash Bros to be played in the most popular fighting tournament ever.

  • Zack Wheat Avatar
    Zack Wheat
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Wait, but- why would- EVO is-

    Wow. My confusion and frustration has looped back around and I am actually impressed. I admit that I haven't taken SSB seriously as a competitive fighter and after the fundraiser I was curious to see how it would be received on stage, but it would have at least been a fun series to watch and man did Nintendo need this advertising. Just dumb, dumb, dumb.

  • Dafishies Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I think this is stupid for Nintendo, but I don't really care since I hate seeing SSBM being run at tournaments and such. It's not a fighting game that can be considered fair and balanced." If you have to change 50 different settings and ban characters, it's not tournament worthy.

    SSBM is and always will be about that random factor that the game has that makes it great, fun and entertaining. Getting rid of that ruins the game IMO.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Absolutely ridiculous.

    I would boycott Brawl after this. I am actually raging.

  • Donathan Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    "What the fuck are you doing?"


  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I honestly fail to see the logic on this one why would be Nintendo pull away from a free event where they not only don't lose money but gain free publicity?

  • Vanquish123 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Just thought I'd let you know (if you didn't already), Nintendo changed their minds.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    People are jumping the gun and speculating far too much. Companies don't do things that quickly. Most likely the retraction was already being drawn up before this news even hit the public. It was all probably due to some internal miscommunication to begin with. Some doof in the legal department probably made a bonehead move and when it reached the higher ups it was retracted.

  • GreyFoxVinzin Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Might want to update as they've gone back and allowed them to stream it.

  • RazloTPD Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I'm sure Iwata has this up on a chart labelled ''Ninten-Dos and Ninten-Don'ts.''