og:image: Jack Tretton, ps4

Maybe it's just the reality of a new console release during the holiday season, or perhaps Sony is salivating at the momentum and really, really, want more people to preorder a PS4, but Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton is the second Sony representative to warn against limited supply during the release of the PlayStation 4.

"I certainly think, given the technology that we're offering, given the software lineup, given the price point we have, that we'll have consumers interested in excess of what we're able to manufacture." Tretton told Forbes. Also letting the publication know that GameStop executives had already told him they would purchase “every single unit” Sony can manufacture. Excuse me if I can only see them saying this as Gary Oldman's character in The Professional.

Tretton: “How many PS4's do you want?”

Gamestop: “Every one.”

Tretton: “Every one?”


The same thing was said by Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House, when talking to the Wall Street Journal. Of course this may also just be bluster of the kind we usually find when huge technology releases are visible on the horizon. Sony knows they have the momentum right now and are most probably intent on riding this wave for as long and hard as they can. Like a surfing jackal smelling blood in the water.

But even though Sony is the one doing the talking right now, I would't trust fate for either console if you're hoping to get in on the ground floor of the next console generation at launch. My recommendation is to pre-order your console of choice as soon as you make the decision. Lest you be left behind with only your PC -which is already a generation above next generation- to tide you over. 


  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    The way things are looking I will buy the PS4 eventually but probably not on release.

  • Moom Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I had a feeling this would happen. Hopefully that demand isn't so hight that they fall behind like the beggining of last gen. I remember that put a real stinker on them for at least the first half a year the console was out.

  • Nolan Hedstrom Avatar
    Nolan Hedstrom
    11 years, 7 months ago

    For those who don't get Joseph's reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyfbRz4ObFY

  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Shortage of consoles right after release? Pretty much the story of every console on release with exception of Wii U.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    When I think I can't love you more Joseph, you drop a sweet Gary Oldman bomb on me. Fuck yeah.

    I was thinking of buying a PS4 on release, but it might do to wait at least a couple months. The extra time'll give Sony chances to fix whatever issues pop up first day.

    No launch titles screaming at me just yet.