
og:image: dead rising 3, e3 2013

Dead Rising 3 was a title we perhaps only half expected to be shown off during E3 (ok....ok....maybe Chris expected it), and I personally didn't expect it to be in the list of Xbox One exclusives thrown at us during the Microsoft press conference. The look we received was of a darker, more brooding, and slightly more serious Dead Rising than we've seen historically, but a game that also showed off some impressive areas in terms of both scale and mass. Want to be chased through an entire city chased by literally hundreds of zombies? Then this title seemed to be the one to deliver.

I received a behind closed doors look at Dead Rising 3 today and honestly what we were shown was a more expanded version of the press conference demo. The new character -Nick Ramos- spends his time moving from safe zone to safe zone, crafting weapons (sans workbench since his pre-apocalypse occupation was a mechanic) and working through a story that so far has been kept under wraps. Surely this is simply a backdrop for the main actor, the technology that allows the player to move through an open-world city infested with thousands of zombies in real time. During our behind closed doors look Nick moved from building to building, raced through the infested streets in an array of vehicles and traversed subterranean sewers without ever having a loading screen getting between him and the action. It's great the way the world comes alive without this type of speed-bump getting in the way of the immersion. AndDead Rising is certainly better off for it.

og:image: Dead Rising 3, e3 2013

The action is there, the backdrop is there, some of the crazy weapons are there. All-in-all sounds like Dead Rising right? Well, almost. As I said before, the tone is completely different. This world is darker, more gritty, more realistic...and that isn't always a good thing. The player still has the ability to wear any outfit they like, but in the demonstration we were only shown complete outfits that fit on all at once, without giving the player the option to mix-and-match individual items. It's great if you want to wear a shark costume -one of the options we were shown- but not so great if you want to wear a shark costume head with a pare of woman's underwear and a tank top that says “Shit Happens”.

Dead Rising 3 also seems a little more lenient when it comes to weapons and inventory options. All weapons you use throughout the game are saved in universal weapons lockers which are located in all the safezones throughout the map. Come in contact with a gun and a copy of it is automatically put into the locker for later access. It's a great option for those who want to run around blasting away from objective to objective, but maybe not so great for those looking for a more survival feel. Of course if you want that then you're probably not looking at a Dead Rising title since there are certainly better options.

dead rising 3

Interaction with the game through Silverlight was also a feature, but that's something we've been seeing a ton of at E3 this year. The map, setting waypoints and even calling in things like airstrikes and support can all be done via Silverlight or the in-game menu. Personally, I prefer the in-game option since funding with my phone during play sessions doesn't seem like the greatest use of my time or hands.

Dead Rising 3 seems like a solid and fun title, but admittedly less fun in that zany way than its predecessor. If you're ok with a Dead Rising having a bit more of a frowny face...then you may be good to go with this one.


  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I'll miss riding a tricycle through hordes of zombies.

  • Zack Wheat Avatar
    Zack Wheat
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I do remember being immediately struck by how distinctly brown it is- hard to believe it's the sequel to a game formerly taking place in Vegas (or a reasonable facsimile). I'll admit that the serious tone really disappoints me, because I worry this'll fall in an awkward space where it's impossible to tell whether or not to take it seriously.

    The no loading screens thing sounds like heaven compared to DR1 and 2, though.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    It's a shame that it won't be arcade-y anymore and taking itself less serious for a zombie survival game. That was was the best part of the DR series.

  • Matto424 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Does this mean I can't drive a motorbike covered in fluffy stuffed bunny parts through a horde of zombies while wearing protoman boots, a servbot mask, flip flops, and a dress, chugging beer and rotten hot dogs all the way? Because that would be sad, but hey at least we don't have the long as hell loading screens anymore.

  • Mr.GreenToS Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I feel this is Capcom’s attempt to avoid the zaniness that happened to Saints Row 3. It sucks with that news of less outfit options, and darker tone, but if that means less loading and more ….. wait did I just read “ call in airstrikes?” (What does that mean?!)

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I don't mind the serious tone but if that means its going to reflect on the gameplay and make it less of an arcade style and more serious one then that's a definite no for me.

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    11 years, 7 months ago

    It's disappointing that it took a more serious tone than the previous titles because that's what made Dead Rising great, the goofy things to be seen and done.

  • AdjacentKitten Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Coming straight off Chuck Greene, a character with a relatively interesting (if not minimalistic) background, it's surprising to see them pick up such a generic protagonist. At the very least, Frank West was absurd enough a character to make a background unimportant. From the trailer, I gathered an astounding two things about our new hero:

    1.) He's a mechanic.
    2.) He's got a wrench.

    Absolutely thrilling. How could they possibly top this one?

  • Equinoxinator Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I like the endless horde idea they're going for.