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Do you want to invest in the next generation of gaming but are you worried about the Xbox One's need to have internet connectivity every 24hrs to validate your system and the games you play? Is your internet spotty? Do you not have internet at all (by the way thank you for visiting your local library) or expect to be without due to an upcoming move?
Well apparently you have absolutely nothing to fear because Don Mattrick, President of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft, has the solution. Buy an Xbox 360. Yes...the answer to your concern about a policy on next generation hardware is to purchase last generation technology.
I never in a million years expected Mattrick to tell people to buy a PS4 on live television, if he had we would all be writing a very different article but with about the same amount of lambast. But there are other ways to go about answering this question without basically telling a large group of your customer base that Microsoft pretty much has no interest in having you join them for the next generation ride. I'm also shocked at his confusion as to what a person on a submarine does and why in the hell would they even want a console? You can almost see the look of both confusion and disgust on his face. “Imagine. An Xbox One? On a submarine!?” **large guffaws and chortles from behind a cigar-stenched handlebar mustache**
Microsoft has to adjust their messaging and they need to do it fast. The console war has only just begin and right now they're so busy shooting themselves in the foot all Sony has had to do is hang around polishing their guns.
11 years, 9 months ago
They are starting to clutch at straws here, If they wanted interest in the Xbone they should have had answers ready before they even went to E3.
Did they think people would just smile and say thanks for the shit deal we're getting ? No
Clear Concise Answers is all we asked and they pull this shit
11 years, 9 months ago
*face palm* sometimes I wonder how people like Don Mattrick got a job in this industry.
11 years, 9 months ago
It's the curse of the third console
11 years, 9 months ago
Protip: To continue reflecting upon this remarkable moment in video game history, you might want to download the video yourself. Microsoft is trying to scrub this clip from the internet.
11 years, 9 months ago
"Luckily, we have a product to compete with the PS4, it's called the 360."
11 years, 9 months ago
Protip: When your main competitor is beating you on almost every objective level, in an industry worth hundreds of millions, make sure everyone knows that your strategy is being headed by doofus with just the right balance of arrogance and sheer incompetence.
11 years, 9 months ago
Either Microsoft is extremely naive or brazenly overconfident. But that aside what is more interesting it seems they intend to keep the 360 alive with new releases for as long as they can.
11 years, 9 months ago
Wow! They're just keeping digging deeper into their grave if that's their response.
11 years, 9 months ago
This is just ridiculous
11 years, 9 months ago
I literally cringed.
He must be kicking himself now...
11 years, 9 months ago
He looks like a man who is under pressure. He knows they have screwed up and has kinda given up.Kinda feel sorry for him because all these poor decisions made for the xbox one was probably not enforced by him
11 years, 9 months ago
Just when you think Microsoft's PR couldn't get any worse... It's like they are trying.