og:image: xbox one used games fee

Of all the elements that stained the Xbox One conference ('Yo Dawg I hear you like TV, so I put a TV in your TV so you can TV while you TV') there was one nugget in particular that had everyone the most worried. That there might be an extra fee when a gamer buys a used game. A fee that's used to authenticate the game to the new user, and a fee that might even be the full price of the game. That set people's hair on fire at the beginning of the week.

Now, Polygon is reporting their sources within Microsoft are saying that this won't be the case after all, and that there is currently no plan for this extra fee to be charged.

Confused yet? I don't blame you.

Microsoft has been especially shady when discussing these details, and at the same time has been lashing out a bit at press for doing that horrible thing we do. Namely, quoting Microsoft and remaining in a state of abject confusion at their inability to get a clear statement out there. Just today Larry Hryb, who I've always thought did a spectacular job at being MS's mouthpiece put out the following statement on his blog.

The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox. Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.”

So, in other words, we're wrong but they're not going to tell us how we're wrong. As you can see, official clarification continues to ellude everyone outside of an office in Redmond, Washington. The question then remains...why? My own gut feeling is that this is all very rushed, and Microsoft doesn't even know how these policies are going to work yet. They aren't keeping anything from us because they really weren't fully prepared to do this unveiling in the first place, but were forced due to the upcoming Electronic Arts Expo, and peoples impatience after a fairly successful Sony PS4 reveal over a month ago.

We're still left with rumors. At least this new one is positive.


  • MilkyAlien Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    It's like a drunkard walking home from the bar with piss rolling down his legs. Sure, you can take a shower and wash your clothes but for fuck sake, we'll never forget the piss down your legs.

  • Vanquish123 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I've been hearing alot of this, actually. "Used games will NOT charge a FEE". Well, ok. But we get no details after that.

    My guess, is that you still need to pay full retail price in order to install the game into your Xbox to play. So, TECHNICALLY it's no longer a "fee". ...But you still have to pay full price.

  • Victus Unus Avatar
    Victus Unus
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Either this is one of the worst damage control campaigns ever, or Microsoft's execs are even less bright than we thought.

  • Calum Brown Avatar
    Calum Brown
    11 years, 8 months ago


  • riongarland Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I think that there was the possibility of a fee for used games or there was gonna be a fee and that once ms saw the the shitstorm they started they quickly did damage control and tried to rescind their previous statement just like when people thought that xbox one was only gonna be online and now its once a day to connect. If they were planning for a fee unless they are monumentally stupid they are gonna drop that idea faster than you can blink

  • Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Either Microsoft and Sony lay out every detail of how both systems are going to play used/rental games, and whether it involves a fee at E3, or these rumours will not stop.

    Here's what Gamestop thinks or perhaps hopes.

    “Both Sony and Microsoft have said games can be resold and that’s exactly what we anticipated,” said Bartel, who added that GameStop puts $1 billion in trade into the market and 70% of that money goes back into new game sales. “It’s a recognized way to make these games more affordable. All three new platforms understand that.”

    Yet despite that Gamestop have taken a hit in their shares this week due in no small part to Microsoft's public relations brainfarts on the subject.

    Why don't we have concrete details yet? Apart from incompetence, the same reason we don't have concrete pricing details yet from either side. Sony and Microsoft are walking the line between giving enough info to consumers and giving their competition an edge and the opportunity to change details at the last minute to be more competitive.

    Whatever eventually transpires for rental and resale on Xbox one and PS4 I somehow doubt it will be all that simple for the consumer or completely cost free.

  • Revrevs Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    You know Microsoft is going to make changes based on how everyone reacts to the system. As of right now they're doing a balancing act between those who want an entertainment system,maintaining the costs for such a venture, and those who want a gaming system. They're more than likely testing out the marketing waters for their new console and finding a common ground between both consumers.

  • Avatar
    Pascal Pouliot
    11 years, 8 months ago

    They probably intended to have a fee but when they saw the backlash, they decided to backpedal. That's my theory. I think, right now, they're doing some changes before giving more details.

  • dumon Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    They aren't saying how the used games bit works, but they did imply that games are tied to your account and that you cannot share them. That's all I need to hear.

  • Dimensaur2 Avatar
    11 years, 8 months ago

    The fact that we even have to try to decode what Microsoft is saying shows how of little use this whole press conference was. We really don't really know anything more than we knew before and Microsoft exces just sound confused.