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The original PlayStation 4 reveal conference did everything but actually show us the new console. So it was a half-reveal. Or at least a ¾ reveal. It became a point of contention soon afterword with Microsoft gently poking at Sony for the omission, but also did a pretty good job of raising the drama of the event. Every good serial needs a cliffhanger, and holding off on that bit of visual was the bet one Sony could have come up with.
So today, when a purported “leak” of the PS4 reveal trailer came to light people understandably got very excited. So did I, and not just because we thought we were finally seeing the system. Put simply, the commercial is fantastic. You can watch it below, and really Sony should as well because this is exactly the type of marketing they should be doing for the PS4. Wild. Frenetic. Displaying some of the craziness that used to be in video game marketing back in the 90's, but adding in contemporary flair (and just a touch of wub).
Think about the below commercial coming out at the same time as Microsoft is putting out videos of upper-middle class people in v-neck sweaters watching ESPN on their Xbox or dancing in front of a Kinect. You can't get a starker contrast. This commercial, with its mesmerizing music, actors with PlayStation symbols emblazoned in their eyes, creates a Cult of Personality around the PlayStation brand. This is what Sony needs to do. And actually has done in the past.
Unfortunately, representatives from Sony of America have already come out saying that they had nothing to do with this, so now we're left to believe that some Sony fan with a bright future in marketing is behind this.
Too bad.
11 years, 8 months ago
Sony needs to hire these people.
11 years, 8 months ago
i'd join that cult.
11 years, 8 months ago
I wanna play.
11 years, 8 months ago
Wow that was brilliant, I doubt Sony could top this.
11 years, 8 months ago
First rumors, now this..... Where are the good topics?
11 years, 8 months ago
Good trailer. Glad its not real though. 40 seconds of peoples eyes 4 seconds of stuff worth viewing.
11 years, 8 months ago
I hope the real PS4 trailer would be as awesome as this one..