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Put on your stone-washed jeans, grab your neon bandana and get ready to return some video tapes to orgasm city because Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon just got itself an officially official release date of May 1st, and one of the best damn video game trailers I've ever seen.
As I'm sure you're all aware, Blood Dragon is the late 80's VHS revisioning of Far Cry 3 where you play as cyborg-commando Rex Colt fighting against an army of killer cyborgs after the “apocalypse had an apocalypse” sometime after “Vietnam II”. (I'm not making this up).
The game, though a thousand degrees different in look from the original Far Cry 3, does seem to contain many of the same mechanics. A fully explorable island, animal hunting, stealth kills, and all the other tid-bits that made Far Cry 3 so great. Of course...just smaller.
Since this is an Xbox Live Arcade offering the game will have about 8 hours of content and a smaller island than the one originally found in FC3.
I'm OK with that. You know, cyborgs and stuff. Plus Michael Biehn -Hicks in Aliens- is playing the lead role. Sci-fi boner initiated.
Blood Dragon is arriving (May 1st) on XBLA, PSN and PC.
11 years, 9 months ago
do the cartoon parts remind anyone of he-man ?
the bad dude's appearance and that skull throne must have been inspired by skeletor i reckon
11 years, 9 months ago
For those who don't know the reference:
11 years, 9 months ago
Did I just see a neon bow!? DID I JUST SEE...A NEON BOW!?