PAX IS IN TWO WEEKS! Aaaand...I feel like I'm only about 25% ready. Things will fall into place as the days whisk by, they usually do, but right now is when the stress starts. Appointments are already being made and I can tell you now that we'll be looking at some pretty cool stuff this year.  In game releases, new God of War on Tuesday...any of you taking a bite on that?

Here's what we're playing. Sound off in the comments below.

Nick Henderson: After being stuck on a boss fight in Metal Gear Rising for over 3 hours, I finally figured out the problem and won. That game is really bad at providing context clues in combat... I'll finish that up today and move onto Tomb Raider immediately. In my downtime, i'll make some progress in Fire Emblem which is continuing to be awesome. 
 Bob Webb: I should be getting Tomb Raider in the mail and now that I've had time to finish both Dishonored and Dead Space 3 I can focus on newer titles. I have also been considering putting some time into actually getting into the Mass Effect franchise starting from the beginning.
Joseph Christ: Well I WAS going to try to play some WWII Online (now called Battlefield Europe) but apparently they refused to send me the confirmation email I needed to confirm my new account. I used to play this game religiously five or so years ago so it would have been nice to go back for a bit. Oh well....Planetside 2 it is!
Chris Davis: Spring Break has begun for my college and, along with the students, I have been granted a 10 day reprieve from the monotonous hours of paperwork and children.  To celebrate I will be spending this weekend playing the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC which has been quite fun so far.  In addition I will be working on Tomb Raider.  This being only my second Tomb Raider experience (the first being TR: Legend) I’m definitely looking forward to seeing this reboot of the character and franchise.  Other than that, I don’t know what’ll happen.  One things for certain though: I won’t be waking up in the AM all week long.
Nolan Hedstrom: I finished Tomb Raider last night, faster than I thought I would. Took about 17 hours to 100% the single player. So I'll probably continue my BioShock playthrough in anticipation for BioShock Infinite.
Brad Simons: Nothing! I'm out of town bitches! Okay maybe Fire Emblem. 


  • Absolutely Daft Avatar
    Absolutely Daft
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Playing a ton of Kengo: Master of Bushido. Despite having RPGs I need to play, I played no RPGs this spring break. I hope 360 Darwinia+ goes on sale soon. I tried the demo and I really like it!

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I am currently replaying Far Cry 2 and having a blast.

  • Mr.GreenToS Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Playing Mafia 2 with all the dlc,which came with the game, so after I finish that I plan on hitting up my rented Ni no Kuni copy.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    When I'm not working on websites I usually play an hour or two of TERA: Rising.
    Played through a dungeon/instance for the first time and it went pretty decently.
    I forgot to clean my inventory before entering so it was full pretty quickly so missed some loot...

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Been playing DayZ this whole week. Now that i Miasmata on a steam sale, ill be playing that today.

  • OlMuttonchops Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I've been playing Paper Mario on N64 because that's a fantastic game. The writing is so clever. Nintendo needs to get whoever wrote the Paper Mario games to write Zelda or Mario main series games.

    Now that I think about it, why isn't there a Legend of Zelda turn based RPG? Or just more RPG elements in The Legend of Zelda.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I just finish Duke Nukem 3D and started The Walking Dead games.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Due to EA being complete asstards I have decided not to get Sim city but instead chose to pick up the new tomb raider which so far has been a blast.

  • FunkyLounge Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I am drowning my sorrow of SimCity letdown with Dark Souls and Dishonored... I have been looking so much to building on the whole map Anno 2070 style. But ultimately Anno 2070 is MUCH better SimCity game than this.

    Goddamn shame.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Got The Last Remnant for less than 4 bucks at GreenManGaming, it took 30 hours of my life already. I love it.