CD Projekt Red has released some new info regarding Witcher 3, as well as some screens that are as slick as a fat man going down a waterslide.

First the info. Our previous remunerations that Witcher 3 will be just as story heavy, if not even moreso, are ringing true as Witcher 3 will contain multiple storylines that remain independent of each other. Meaning that if Geralt decides to go down one path, new stories will take over as others go by the wayside. You know...kind of how life works. This means that Witcher 3 will need to be replayed multiple times for the player to see and interact with the entire world, and it's also -thankfully- a far shot from the tiny offshoot types of stories that games like Mass Effect have incorporated. Where every decision is nothing more than a slight variance that ultimately leads you back to the main thread.

The world will also change dramatically as Geralt interacts with it or sides with certain factions and not others, or goes on side quests. It seems like the entire game will be interlinked in some way -butterfly effect style- so your actions in one place could have reverberating effects on a land far away. Effects you won't even see until you travel there yourself.

On the technical side, Witcher 3's main story will be around 50 hours long, with an additional 50 hours available in sidequests and other gameplay mechanics. 100 hours total, and now we're getting up to Elder Scrolls times.

As expected, the screens below look fantastic and hold much of the same aesthetic as we've seen in the series in the past. Just...even prettier still. Worlds and vistas seem huge, and I'm noticing a lot more verticality this time around. CD Projeckt Red, just remember. If you show me a cliff, allow me to fall off of it. Give the world some danger. 


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    11 years, 11 months ago


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    11 years, 11 months ago

    It certainly looks impressive
    Those sailing screen shot catches my eye and the Bard in the rafters, Oh and that shot of the bay with the long boats aggh it all looks so good.

    Makes me Wish it was on the Playstation, hopefully i can get a PC that can run it in the near future.

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    My body might be ready, but my PC is.

  • Matt Ortega Avatar
    Matt Ortega
    11 years, 11 months ago

    At least I have a whole year or so to eventually play Witcher 1 and 2...I feel the pain for those that have already finished them and have to wait.

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    Now THIS is what sells next gen. Particularly when we see it moving.

    Cannot wait.

  • InvaderSnarf Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Holy FUCK! This got me SO pumped for the Witcher 3! I hope that the next gen versions won't be stripped down versions like the Witcher 2 was when you compared PC to 360.

    Sailing in a video game, last time I played a game with that was Two Worlds 2 and it was awkward at the best of times. (Took a pass on Assassins Creed 3)

  • Zladko Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    my pc isnt ready

    i hope i finish building it by the time this comes out

  • CyborgMaid Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    There is some hope left, after all. Man I'm pumped!

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    I so loved the Witcher 2, and trust CDPR to make an awesome game. And props to them for finally making the replayability less artificial. The idea of the story advancing without you pulling it like a cart full of retarded hippos is very appealing.

  • Breakspeed Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Not trying to steal anything away from the site - but there is a ton of "new" (depending on how closely you've been following this game) information in this special Game Informer podcast:

    Check it out if you're interested.