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Hey remember when Duke Nukem was good? I know, it feels like foreeeeeever ago but there was a time when Duke Nukem was actually great. Duke 3D was fantastic of course, but we can go all the way back to when Duke was just a little 2D sprite on a side-scrolling screen to find magic in the series.
We're talking about Duke Nukem II, and it's being re-released to iOS devices in April as a celebration of the games 20th Anniversary. Yes...this game is 20 years old....released on December 3, 1993 to be exact. Feel old.
I don't usually write about iOS releases, that's the job of resident Mr. Mobil Jeff Demelo, but I always really liked the old Duke games. They had this element about them that somehow made the mass shooting, missile-ing, and being eaten by downright charming.
The release is being put together by Interceptor Entertainment -the same bunch of guys who are doing the Rise of the Triad remake- and 3D Realms, the original developer. If anything this will keep me from just staring at Google Analytics when I'm on public transportation. Have I mentioned I have a problem?
Duke Nukem II iOS will be $1.99. It's worth it.
11 years, 12 months ago
Ah, I thought you meant a sequel to Duke Nukem Forever was going to be on mobile. This sounds much better if only I had an iOS.
11 years, 12 months ago
I've only seen this game in screenshots, so actually seeing it in action was pretty good looking.
However I just never been a fan of Duke Nukem mainly because he the example of why I don't like western written badasses (i'll type wwb for short). I think wwb aren't that deep when it comes to how they solve problems. Mainly because their solution to some combat situation seems like just always having the bigger gun for the most part. I also dislike wwb because there really isn't a mystery or personality to them. They're just mainly gun-totting douchbags sometimes. But I do see their appeal.
My bad for going into a typing tangent. I've never seen the 2D Nukem in action before and it looks good.
11 years, 12 months ago
I own an iOS and haven't played any Duke game before DN3D so I'll give this a try and see if it's any good.
Thanks for the headsup, Joseph.
11 years, 11 months ago
"256 eye poppin' colors!" I also thought this was a sequel to DN:F that was going straight to iOS. Kinda like how some movies skip theaters and go straight DVD. Maybe I can build up enough patience to try this out. :D