Dead Space Awakened, Dead Space DLC

Psychological horror had always been an important part of the Dead Space franchise. It was evident in previous games -most evident in Dead Space 2- and added an extra layer of uncertainty to the sci-fi horror that bathed it all in a lovely Event Horizon spice, but unfortunately was mostly absent in Dead Space 3. If there was a psychological aspect in DS3 it centered around Issac's coop partner Carver, and was only visible to the second player. An interesting and fun aspect to the game, sure, but one that left the single player experience barren of its effect.

Now it looks as if that crazy-pants aspect is being touched upon again in the Dead Space 3: Awakened DLC.

"We had a vision for what we wanted to make with our DLC," producer Shereif Fattouh told Joystiq. "The nice thing about it is it kind of married into what some of the more hardcore community guys were asking for. They didn't feel that there was as much horror as they would have liked [in Dead Space 3]."

"It really fit well with what we were planning to do with this DLC [in] trying to create a creepy, scary atmosphere that we still think is a big part of the Dead Space franchise and has always been a part of it."

The trailer and screens for Awakened (shown below) definitely convey that but I'm hoping they aren't missing the mark too much. To me, horror in Dead Space wasn't just about creatures jumping out of closets -or in this case vents- or apparitions coming and going out of thin air. It's about the uncertainty of what Isaac is actually experiencing. It's about not knowing if what's going on is really going on at all...or if it's all just a fabrication in Issac's mind. Of course, I'm one of those filthy animals who would love to see the series end in present day, with Isaac firmly strapped to a bed in a mental hospital. 


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    11 years, 10 months ago

    Taking monetising to the extreme, selling you a horror game with all the horror removed and then selling it to you later as DLC.

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    11 years, 10 months ago

    Speaking as someone who still found DS3 a great deal better than I had feared, but like most who played it still knows perfectly well where it's faults are, it's a bit galling when the producer says things like this.

    <i>"They didn't feel that there was as much horror as they would have liked [in Dead Space 3]."</i>


    You're trying to tell us that at no point during the development, playtesting and marketing of Dead Space 3 nobody said "this looks a bit more action orientated than horror". I don't think so somehow.

    I wonder just how much freedom Devs have these days when it seems to take the likes of DLC for them to suddenly realise why people really liked their games in the first place.

    We don't really know that much about this DLC and though it does look like a far better horror focus it's usually the real fans of the series who buy DLC so it makes sense to market to them and cut your promo vid accordingly.

    To be fair though the "severed" for Dead Space 2 was excellent DLC and this could well be as good. (unlike the DLC for DmC from what I'm hearing is pretty bad)

    I hear what Joseph is saying for his idea of an ending yet that would invalidate one of the best sequences of the Dead Space franchise in the beginning of Dead Space 2. I always feel that the "ends with him in a mental hospital" trope is a bit too close to "and it was all a dream" to be a truly satisfying ending myself, which is why the beginning of DS2 is so good since it subverts that beautifully.

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    11 years, 10 months ago

    Well. At least the guys with the bags on their heads look creepy. I won't lie, I'd probably be interested in a mind-fuck kind of DLC for Dead Space 3. If I ever think about getting it on Origin.