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Since it's been awhile since we had any real Battlefront III stories hit the web, today Kotaku is reporting on Star Wars: First Assault, a downloadable Star Wars FPS which at one point was going to be released this spring. However, the Disney acquisition of George Lucas properties has thrown that into a bit of uncertainty.
Star Wars: First Assault is -or maybe was- set to be an 8vs8 first-person shooter set in the Star Wars universe with one side playing the awesome -well dressed- Empire with the other playing the scraggly 'we kiss our sisters' Rebel scum. Oh how we pray for the health and safety of our brave Storm Troopers as they fight the pimply and stuttering insurrectionists!
Much like Star Wars 1313, the state of First Assault -and all Star Wars video game properties- is in flux as the ghost of Walt Disney, clawed hands extended, his bare yellow teeth chomping at the air, decides what in the hell he wants to do with all this...stuff. Kotaku's source claims that First Assault was supposedly going to act as a lead-in to an eventual Battlefront III release at some far-off distant time in the future, but all indications are that BF III has been a dead project for awhile now.
Disney for their part have been in the process of closing studios, as it did with Junction Point Studio after a lackluster Epic Micky 2 release, and I wouldn't be surprised if Disney just wants out of the risky business of video-game production allogether. This is not re-hashing animations straight to DVD for a million five-years olds to watch in their parents van. Video game development holds a lot more risk and blood, and Disney -who have spent the past 10 years repositioning themselves within a new technological market- may not be willing to play that game just yet.
11 years, 10 months ago
Calladooty: Star Warfare
11 years, 10 months ago
More pew pew and bang bang. While this isn't my favorite genre, it does hold the Star Wars appeal that will pull in most fan boys. J_52 seems to get the idea~
11 years, 10 months ago
It's amazing how many Star Wars games these days that look even slightly promising are having so much trouble just getting done and out to the public. For what it's worth, the screenshots for First Assault do look pretty fuckin' cool. Even if, at its core, it does play like most other modern FPS games these days, taking place in the Star Wars universe gives it extra cool points, especially if it's Empire vs. Rebels instead of more Clone Wars crap.
I just can't fucking wrap my head around how Homefront 2 is more likely to see the light of day than Star Wars: Battlefront 3, or even this First Assault game. What fucking world do I live in?!
11 years, 10 months ago
More like Star Wars: BattleFIELD 3, amirite? Heh. Good one, me.
I'd play it, loved the Battlefront games.