
"Are you ready for some news" I implore,

Cause you see EA has something in store.
And the news will surely drop you to the floor!

But then you'll get up, and you won't be sore,
at the wonderful news of DICEs' encore.

March 26th, is when EA will ROAR,
and let us all know, about Battlefield 4!

We can guarantee that it won't be a snore,
and we can agree that it won't be a chore,
to sit in the seat as the news flies through the door,
the news that EA has Battlefield 4!

"But I still play 3!
And that game I adore!"

I can hear you shout from from your innermost core.

And I feel your pain, but do not ignore,
it'll look so much better on the PlayStation 4!
Think of the particles and bullets galore!
The dust and the sand as you place your Claymore!

Just think of those things when you feel unsure

They'll all be improved in Battlefield 4.


  • Victus Unus Avatar
    Victus Unus
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I hope that this is a sequel to Battlefield 2142, at least it would be a breath of fresh air from all the modern military shooters.

  • dumon Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Lovely poem, Joseph. Although, I can't willingly give any more money to EA. Not after what they've done to SimCity.

  • Thebradman Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Everyone will be too busy playing BioShock Infinite to notice.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I like battlefield but i am not going to be hopeful with this one. EA seems to make games worse every iteration. This game will have micro transactions galore. 'Hey you want to fly a heli? Then buy the pilot licence for 400msp or wait until you are highest level that will take you 100 hours." It seems the next logical step for them to take.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago


    I'm afraid of microtransactions as well. They should just stick to Premium model they have in BF3, that works well for them and it's not ruining fun for gamers.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I like to think for these posts Joseph sits cross-legged by a lit fireplace, swirling a glass of straight whiskey, feather pen behind his ear, waiting for the words to come to him.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Not sure why the crappy poem was necessary but nonetheless I am both excited and worried for BF4, please EA don't fuck this series up.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Thank god they're not making another first person free running game with unique gameplay and visuals. I just hope that in Battlefield 4 you'll get to play as a white american military man. Video games are oversaturated with generic female asian protagonists who do something other than shoot foreign terrorists with big guns.

  • Chrissaviour Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I give this poem a 10/10 for being very creative.

  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    not interested, its just gonna be the same as BF3...i doubt they made any huge improvements in a year. I was more hoping for a bad company 3.

    However I still won't be buying any EA games anytime soon, the whole push for microtransaction in paid games they are pushing is appalling and an insult to the free to play game model. Hell activision is putting that shit into COD now, wont be long until it pushes the limit of acceptability...."hey having trouble on that snow map in BF4? well you can now buy the all white ghillie suit....its okay cuz its cosmetic (gimme MOAR MONEY!)"

    I still say that things like day 1 DLC and microtransactions have no place in a fully paid $60 dollar game (hell rumor has it next gen is gonna be $70), it just means more resource taken away from the game you are about to know those ppl making the DLC or coding the microtransactions could be better used to polish the game or maybe add in another something like area or quest or weapon....iono

    Use WarZ as an example of how the future could look....u paid 15 dollars for a unfinished, unpolished game. However the microtransactions and free to play mechanics of the game worked fine day 1, hell you buy something and its not even yours because you can lose it......thats what could happen if ppl support shit like that.

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    11 years, 10 months ago

    Come on DICE! You can blow me away I know it! Do not let me down for the love of battlefield!