
Today we were able to get our first real look at the next Thief game currently in development at Eidos Montreal. I say 'revealed' because the game was actually announced back in 2009 -in fact you could see a picture of the Thief 4 team on the Eidos Montreal website for years now- but has not seen the light of day until now.

Game Informer (as is custom) secured the exclusive reveal, but screenshots (below) have been leaked via a Russian website because Russians don't give a fuck.

It looks as though Garrett will be returning to the usual gothic/steampunk/medieval setting of games past, looking to pick and plunder his way throughout the usually well fortified structures within. The City (the name given to Garrett's usual thieving territory) will be embroiled in political machinations and tension this time around but for those worried that Thief may become more of an action title, it looks as if you can be rest assured; an attaching video to the GI coverage claim's the studio will be eschewing the contemporary focus on action with a simple "There are a lot, a lot, a lot of action titles. I think people now really enjoy to just take their time. This is Thief - you are a master thief,"

This is all good news for those who grew up on the original series and I can see how those who might just be getting introduced to the franchise might make the comparison to Dishonored. To break up that confusion once and for all let's make one thing clear. Dishonored is like Thief. Thief will be like Thief. And though it's quite reasonable to think that Dishonored has been the best recent Thief game, up until now, but there are also important distinctions between both titles.

For one, Garrett is not an assassin. If you're killing people in a Thief game then you are failing at your objective. To enforce this, Garrett is also an extremely weak character when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, and much less able to defend himself face-to-face than Corvo was. It's an important mechanic because it forces the player to approach the game at a much slower and tactical pace. There is no room for error.

Because of this, Garrett also has a much wider assortment of tools at his disposal. Much is made of the classic Water Arrow for taking out torches but there was also a Moss Arrow (for quieting floors), a Gas Arrow (for knocking out enemies), and a Rope Arrow (for accessing high areas). And this is conjunction with other tools Garrett acquires throughout the games as well. In essence, Thief plays like a medieval Metal Gear Solid.

I also can't tell you how happy I am that we'll be seeing Thief 4 on next-generation consoles. The atmosphere, physics and AI needed to make an 'ultimate Thief game' all reside in next generation hardware. And non of this “we'll release it for this gen and port it for next-gen later” nonsense. We're already seeing too much of that lunacy already.

Considering the work Eidos Montreal did on Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I don't think the Thief series could be in any better hands. Well...maybe Arkane Studios. wink


  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    These screenshots concern me, there's a frequent showing of the bow with what appears to be standard arrows and some several odd 3rd person camera shots. He is also aiming at an officer with an arrow in the one shot, like an assassin.

    It makes me wonder if they have changed some things to make it appeal to a broader audience.

  • Koshirro Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Was getting kinda worried because of years of silence, great to hear that it's still coming and looks like it's still true to the originals.

    Btw: You misspelled Eidos twice in the first paragraph.

  • Absolutely_Daft Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Wait and see! this game looks cool.

  • Travis Collins Avatar
    Travis Collins
    11 years, 10 months ago

    They better not make this a damn assassin game. Other than that, looks good.

  • TheBradMan Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    The screens and concept art look fantastic. It's great to see that this game is finally comming along. I also hope they can get Garrett's previous voice actor (Stephen Russell) back on board.

  • Meltdown Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I really hope it's a Thief game and they don't bastardize it for modern audiences. I've been playing Dishonored like it's a Thief game (going for no kills/alerts,) so to have a game built around that with tools to support it (unlike Dishonored) it what I really want.

    I have Thief 2, and having never tried playing it until last year, I really can't wait for Thief 4 just for the modernized controls. As configuring around Thief 2 to control the way I want to is a tiny chore.

    Bring on this game. I need it.

  • guitars4zombies Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Looks great

  • Waari Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I really hope this stays true to you being a Thief...and not some sort of action killer assassin. If they QTE the shit out of this to make it more "cinematic" I will be very disappointed.

  • Zladko Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    Oh man finally. Thief 2 is probably my favourite game of all time, I've nearly 100% the game on extreme multiple times. Edios Montreal's utmost priority HAS to be level design, it's what made the original games amazing, and although things like atmosphere and secrets also played a huge part, good level design is crucial.

  • dumon Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    God, that looks gorgeous. All the more reason for me to buy a PS4.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I like how they did peaking around corners.

  • 2-D Avatar
    11 years, 10 months ago

    I hope it's not going to be too much like Dishonored.