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In the back of our minds we knew this would be a thing, but honestly I'm surprised we're hearing about it in this way. Via earnings call.
Yahoo Finance (not usually your Number One source of gaming news) have written up the contents of Time Warner's Q4 2012 conference call where they announce a new Arkham game to be arriving this year. The line is quick and buried within the blur of other financial data and information but it's there.
Right after John K. Martin, Time Warner chief financial officer and chief administrative officer, says “ In fact, Warner's digital home video revenue, including SVOD, VOD and EST, approached $1 billion in 2012, and we expect it to grow close to 20% in 2013.” out comes “And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise.” Where he then continues to blabber on about percentages, rates and other things I don't understand because I'll continue to be a miserable failure.
So there you have it...out of high-end gobbledygook we have something of a games announcement. We still don't know if this is going to be a Rocksteady Project, though we do know they're working on something related to the franchise. I would hope it is, since they've done so well with the IP up till now. And we've recently been having bad luck with outside studios working on -what should be- central projects for the studios we respect.
[source; joystiq]
12 years ago
If it's Rocksteady I'm in 100%. I'd love another Arkham game. There's a lot of potential in the universe they created.
12 years ago
If it's not Rocksteady, I'm going to brace myself for disappointment.
12 years ago
I kinda wish it was that steampunk batman game, but hey don't fix what isn't broken. If it is a different dev that makes this game, then they will stick to what works.
12 years ago
*crosses fingers for new Rocksteady Batman*
12 years ago
Hmm.....looks interesting no doubt. But at the back of my mind I'm thinking....are they milking it?
12 years ago
Oh god the picture..