Oh look at that...I have a DS! Tt's been so long since I've touched it that I hardly remembered it was there. No, I never took the plunge into 3DS territory because...well...why would I when my previous hand-held is now covered with so much dust it gets mistaken for an LA model at a hotel party.

Still, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirrors of Fate: 3DS Xxtreeme is a thing that's happening whether we like to admit it or not. We weren't exactly impressed with our playthough at E3 2012 and the screens below don't really do much to raise our confidence in this title. I understand the technology is quickly becoming dated, but I've seen better on SuperNintendo Castlevania games. The artwork doesn't seem exactly inspired either. Much of this probably comes from simply trying to drive the technology too much, which makes it seems strange that the title could have been on the Vita -a much more powerful machine- but that prospect was turned down because the 3DS seemed....more exciting. Really?

That's evidently what producer, Dave Cox told CVG.

"The reason we did it on 3DS ... is that we considered it on Vita as a platform, but I remember the team showing me it on Vita, saying 'Look, this is the game, it looks great," and I thought "Okay, this is really cool.'

"And then they said: 'And this is the 3DS version, but we can do this, we can put the camera in the world, we can sort of play around with people's perceptions so it looks like a 2D game but it's actually proper 3D.'"

It looks to me that Cox was taken in more by the 3D than the graphical elements of the machine. You know, that 3D most people turn down -if not completely off- a few minutes into playing a 3DS. The choice of the 3DS over the Vita, however, might not have made a difference. Vita sales are poor, and the 3DS is mostly fueled by an overseas Monster Hunter fetish, leaving no real good option for release. To be dead must be glorious.


  • Arxidus Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Some of the art actually seems pretty cool; digging the designs of some of the monsters.

    Too bad the game ACTUALLY is, and looks like, a piece of shit. Poor, poor Castlevania.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Care factor is zero for this one though I probably am going to get LOS 2 seeing as I enjoyed it to a certain degree.

  • Darth_Spudius Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Im not into jumping onto bandwagons so I'll stick to my opinion. The last game was quite good, hopefully this one will be to.

  • mgs2master2 Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    wouldve bought it on the vita.