They say one of the dangers in being a student of Archelogy is that you always find what you're looking for. Dig down to find a doorway, and you immediately thing you've finally stumbled upon that long lost temple, when really you just found the entryway to an ancient outhouse.

So is this teaser put up recently by Sony the entryway to the Temple of PlayStation 4, or just that new PlayStation Home Redesign outhouse?

We do know that both MS and Sony are playing a little cat-and-mouse game in terms of the new console reveal. They each have been leaking specs to try and get a look at the others' hand...but this could be more than that. Maybe Sony has finally decided that it's best to get one-up and steel the thunder before MS comes sweeping in on the storm.

Or maybe it's nothing at all.

UPDATE: Well it seems like this certainly is SOMETHING. Sony is having a Press conference in NYC on feb. 20th at 6pm and inviting both media and investor types. Michael Pachtor took to twitter shortly after the announcement stating “Sony is inviting investors and media to the Feb 20 event; that means console announcement,”. It looks like Sony may actually be tipping their hand and firing the next real volly in the Next Gen wars.

A signup page to be the "first to know" has also been made live along with the above video. You can see that here.


  • XLD50X Avatar
    11 years, 12 months ago

    welp, guess we just sit and wait, that didn't seem to clue in on it being for one thing or another at all. O_o

  • dumon Avatar
    11 years, 12 months ago

    I heard a rumor (I've been reading too many rumors lately) that Sony and Microsoft don't want to reveal their consoles at E3. Rather, they'd like to do it earlier in the style of an Apple press conference. It sort of makes sense - one company can't steal the other's thunder in the same conference.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 12 months ago

    It could be a bluff to force MS hand although I doubt it , I suspect your right that it is a reveal , even if its a small one

    Keep us informed

  • Travis Collins Avatar
    Travis Collins
    11 years, 12 months ago

    I'm still trying to catch up on this gen console games...... I'm not ready for the new gen consoles hahaha!

  • Avatar
    11 years, 12 months ago

    This shit is about you get real.

  • Moom Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Bring it!

  • Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Meh. I'm still finding new ways to use my PS3. Why would I want something slightly upgraded? If they are going to announce the PS4, the only thing I'm going to enjoy are the lower prices on PS3 games.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    I've got a feeling that both Sony and Microsoft will have to show their hands soon(ish) since it will be inevitable that some of the details will leak the longer they try to keep a lid on things. Better to take control of the agenda than be at the mercy of a thousand baseless rumours that have the potential to hurt both sides until the real details are unveiled.

    Whether it's better to be first out of the gate is a different question as that may give you all the initial blaze of PR hype but it also allows your competitor to undercut and recast their 'reveal' directly against you by contrasting against what they might perceive as your biggest weaknesses.