Well it's the last weekend before we dive straight into our Year-End Specials and the big titles of 2013 hit the streets starting with DMC. This is kind of -officially- the start of the new year now and we're pretty excited for what's coming down the road. 

But enough of that. It's the WEEKEND! Here's what we've been playing! Let's hear yours.

Nick Henderson: My weekend will be spent capturing game footage so I will be playing some games from earlier in 2012! Can't tell you what they are, its a secret! If I can find time, I might bust out Lollipop Chainsaw or Halo Anniversary but its not likely. DmC is just days away! Cheers!
Bob Webb: I'll be playing a little of everything this weekend as we're nearing our end of the year awards show. I really hope to knock out that last bit of content before I finish my first play through of Dark Souls for my 100% achievement run. I should also probably get some more time in with BLOPS 2 before I send it back to GameFly; still not sure how I feel about that game.
Chris Davis: This is an extremely busy weekend for me so I won’t have much time to play games.  However, there is a new Mass Effect 3 multiplayer operation going on so I might be able to squeeze in a few rounds.
Joseph Christ: Believe it or not, I didn't play very much PlanetSide 2 this weekend. Instead I played a little Devil May Cry 4 -to prep for DMC next week- and spent a good deal of time prepping for the Cocktail Time LIVE 2012 Awards show (which is tonight by the way) and doing some other year-end stuff. Now I'm looking forward to the new year and some things I have planned for 2013.
Jeffrey Demelo: I finally got my hands on Persona 4 and have dusted off the PS2 to play that jam. That will definitely be a speed-bump in my road thru The Witcher 2, but so be it. Forza will still be my "break game" from Persona 4, followed by Hundreds on iPad when I'm on my feet and out of the living room. Every day's great at your Junes!
Brad Simons: I'm playing Anarchy Reigns whenever I can find the time. While I had been somewhat down on the campaign I played through last year, the multiplayer is REALLY fun. And Death Ball is the secret best mode ever. I just wish there was a way to turn off environmental hazards and rampage. This game could really use a lobby overhaul as well. If you have it on 360 come play with me. If you don't, it's only 30 bucks! Worth It for Fei Rin's straddle throw alone. 


  • Moom Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Damn it Jeff you play all JRPG's that I tell the ladies in my life to play right around the time I tell them to. If my sister gets addicted to Persona 4 I'm blaming you wether its your fault or not!

  • FFRyan Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Warframe and Tekkit is what I played all weekend

  • Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Well, there's always BLOPS2 to waste time on. I'm also considering downloading Okami HD from PSN. My Move is chronically underused so hopefully Okami can make some use of it.

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    Pascal Pouliot
    11 years, 11 months ago

    I've been playing Anarchy Reigns. The multiplayer is really fun but i hope they gonna fix the matchmaking system, because the worst i had to wait was an hour.

  • Absolutely_Daft Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    I'm trying to master tag combos in Tekken Tag 2. I've beaten Retro City Rampage so haven't been playing that one as much. I tried to play Ascension from the free bundle, but I encountered game breaking glitches so I got fed up with it for the time being. I think i'm gonna play Ultima: Savage Empire throughout January.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 11 months ago

    Now that I'm finally back from overseas I have a lot of catching to do starting with Halo 4 followed by the Walking Dead and of course multiple other titles but for now I'll start with these 2

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    11 years, 11 months ago

    Since we have some down time at the beginning of the year i'm playing games I've had on my backlog for awhile, which includes; Red Dead, Torchlight 2(I assume i'll be playing this for many months to come) and Amnesia. I aim to have Red Dead and Amnesia finished in the next two weeks, before The Cave and Ni No Kuni are released.