[Update: It's been discovered that the trailer above is a fake fan-made trailer which was made from preview code originally given to IGN. We're going to leave the original post up as is, with this update...and updated title. (source: PA Report)

Let's be honest, after the success of Telltale's The Walking Dead adventure game, news that Activision was making a first-person shooter based on the same show was not heralded with the greatest of expectations. We already had a brilliant -and some would even say superior- take on The Walking Dead story in a way that drew us in as a player, and made us feel for the characters we were interacting with.

Could a first-person shooter fair any better...or even as well?

Activision made its first attempt at answering that question today. Unfortunately for them, this thing is hitting the floor with a thud and letting everyone know that the answer is a resounding 'no'. There are so many things wrong with this trailer that it's hard to know where to begin. The lifeless and drab environments? The dull, myopic, gameplay? The plastic zombie hair? It's all just terrible.

Then there are the technical issues which are already evident. Screen tearing? In your gameplay trailer? Seriously? Oh yes, it's there in full whenever the poor soul playing turns his character hard in one direction. This trailer is a trainwreck of epic proportions and will probably go down as the first thing in gaming we remember from 2013.

I almost feel bad for Terminal Reality at this point. Having just come out of developing Kinect: Star Wars, it seems that they are about to enter into another debacle of their making. If changes aren't made, and soon, this will end up going very badly.


  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    That looks like a cheap mod for another, better game. I can't believe this crap is the one that got all the promotional muscle while Telltale's masterpiece has to rely on word of mouth.

  • pjunk Avatar
    12 years ago

    Yikes. I just played through the Telltale game, too, and even without making any comparisons there is absolutely nothing interesting in this trailer.

  • Arxidus Avatar
    12 years ago

    It's like Left 4 Dead without any of the good. Like, at all.

  • Absolutely_Daft Avatar
    12 years ago

    ugghh...no...nooooo. I can name so many games both in the zombie horror genre and outside zombie horror that I'd rather play.

  • Frank Hartnett Avatar
    Frank Hartnett
    12 years ago

    I have a feeling Activision/Terminal Reality were too eager to appease fans of TWD so they decided to release a gameplay trailer of (I hope) a really early version of the game.

  • Zladko Avatar
    12 years ago


  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    Wow. That looks like a PS1 game. It could really be a Half Life 1 mod. How could that get this far into the process, much less be this close to launch? I guess everyone's more interested in monetizing the Walking Dead label rather than putting out quality products. Shame.

  • Revan Avatar
    12 years ago

    I'm just gonna stick with Telltale's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar superior game and avoid this garbage. Yikes.

  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    Yeah, looks like a terrible terrible version of Dead Island

  • Samir Huzejrovic Avatar
    Samir Huzejrovic
    12 years ago

    I knew it was something weird going on! I found it so odd that they only used gameplay from an interview a week back or so. Guess this explains it.