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Metal Gear Rising is definitely one of my top 10 anticipated games of 2013, and this Boss trailer released today just ads more fuel to that fire.
Notice how Platinum Games hasn't just relied on the 'Giant Boss' in order to make these fights seem epic. There is no Giant Enemy Crab, Sckyscraper Robot, or Mountain Sized Rock Beast. There are simply enemies who are more powerful than you even though they are the same size. This is something that our own Brad Simons has talked about in the past and I find myself in agreement. The Dark/Demon's souls series utilized this approach with great success and it's great to see Platinum Games doing the same thing.
And these fights really do seem extraordinary. Far from the normal trappings that boss fights tend to fall into nowadays, these bosses seem to have truly imaginative powers that will force you to adjust your play style if you hope to succeed. This is more than just learning patterns, this is learning powers.
After my time playing Rising at various conventions I do still have some worries when it comes to controls and bugs, but my belief is Platinum will hammer these out by the time Rising is released. Their track record leads me to no other conclusion.
Check the video below.
12 years ago
Platinum games have done an amazing job, I cannot wait to play this game!
Metal Gear is my favorite series of all time and I am glad it has been put in the hands of such a worthy company.
The OST sounds amazing from what I've heard of it so far too!
12 years ago
I love Platinum and I knew that them taking over this project was a great thing. These bosses look amazing and like you said not like the expected roster from most character action games
Also, while I didn't have any issues with the controls at PAX, I certainly ran into bugs I crashed the demo by slicing up the Gecko way to much.
12 years ago
After watching the awesome Killer is Dead trailer, This Badass boss trailer, and with DmC released; I think this is going to be a hack and slash dominant Q1 for 2013. so excited!
12 years ago
I am so excited for this game.
12 years ago
Wat can I say just when I think this game can't impress me anymore it continues to do just that.
12 years ago
I've been on media blackout for this game for a while now... but now I've cracked. The boss battles look incredible and I can't wait to sink my teeth into this.
12 years ago
Monsoon reminds me of Buggy the clown from One Piece