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During the last PAX Prime we had the opportunity to see some behind closed doors footage of Dead Island: Riptide before having a great chat with their producer. This is that footage.
It shows off some of the new features that Riptide will be including in the game such as the heavy emphasis on boats, water, and base defense. There's some pretty neat stuff here, and it's safe to say that if you were a fan of the original Dead Island you'll probably enjoy this one as well. I think the only issue is really how much like the first Dead Island this looks. The graphics look mostly untouched, the HUD has minimal changes and overall Deep Silver is going to have to show some really great content in the future if they are going to convince a majority of gamers to plunk down the cash for another go.
Personally, I'm a fan of the original Dead Island and I'm rooting hard for Riptide as well. There's still a lot more content we have yet to see and I'm looking forward to whats coming next.
12 years, 1 month ago
I enjoyed Dead Island, which makes me excited for this game! I agree with you about the HUD and graphics, but as long as it plays differently and makes the game more enjoyable than its predecessor; I will definitely buy it. I do like the environment of the level though.
12 years, 1 month ago
I feel like the base defense missions could be really nice in co-op. I thought Dead Island lived up to my expectations for a zombie survival game so I'm definitely looking forward to Riptide. I'm curious about how draining out the water from the lower levels will affect the base.
12 years, 1 month ago
The defense missions are a step in the right direction, but Dead Island will forever lose my interest with its shoehorned in RPG elements.
12 years, 1 month ago
I was never really interested in Dead Island in the first go round, but it is starting to look more interesting.