
Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE!

Happy New Year! This week  Bob Webb and Chris Davis get ready to give Joseph Christ an intervention for his Planetside 2 addiction which has now consumed his life. The holiday break didn't help, when no other games were released to distract him, and now he's wallowing within Planetside 2 like a pig in filth. Other than that Bob is trying to 100% the PC version of Dark Souls, Chris goes through how many games he bought during the Steam Sale, Bobb talks about his friend who thought an old Japanese woman stole his bike, Bob and Chris talk about the innerworkings of PC's which bores Joseph who just decides to DANCE instead, Joseph talks about the girl who tries to kill him with painkillers and the time he stabbed his freezer, everyone talks about what they got for Christmas, and Joseph blames the children for stealing all the cocks!

Cocktail Time GO!!

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  • Shazza1990 Avatar
    12 years ago

    Great episode guys :D

  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    Awesome episode guys!

  • Avatar
    12 years ago

    I just started playing planetside2, I was run over by my team mates more times than the enemy killed me. I am on a european server but I'm sure I was playing with americans because only they have such a passion for killing their allies. I think it is a shame how many games are ruined by stupid selfish bastards and can only assume that you must spend most of your time in the air. Other than that, great game.