
Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE!

This week Joseph Christ sits down with Bob Webb and Chris Davis for a Christmas Special! Because we did this right before Christmas...which makes it a Christmas Show!  The guys talk about Battlefield 3 Aftermath DLC, Joseph begins to open up about his Planetside 2 addiction, leftover porn, real-life superheros, Power Rangers: Kinect, Crack addicts and crack addict porn, Balloon Fetish and a guy who gets trapped in a Balloon, DoubleFine's Happy Action Theater and The War Z debacle.

Cocktail Time GO!!

 Live Show:


Follow Joseph Christ on Twitter.


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    12 years, 1 month ago

    Kinect is not going anywhere. I always think of Kinect as a good idea that is poorly implemented. Better motion sensor can go a long way. I would love to play something like Chivalry on Kinect if (and that's a big "if") motion detection is precise.

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    12 years, 1 month ago

    I may be alone, but I prefer cocktail time to the main podcast. Just wondered if you had plans to upload the old shows we missed? Thanks for not being horrible boring propaganda like everything else and making me laugh every time.

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    Justin iZ Here
    12 years, 1 month ago

    I agree, I actually prefer cocktail time to the actual podcast these days, the main podcast just is not as entertaining anymore sadly.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    12 years, 1 month ago

    Great CTT guys, keep it up!