What a fine morning to be looking at some new Dead Space 3 screen shots! These were dumped out early this morning by Visceral Games and show some of the usual “guy standing with gun in dark alley” and “guy being attacked by alien” that we're used to in this sorts of things, however there are a few important differences I wanted to mention.

The creatures seem much more gory this time around and truly resemble the “birthed from man-flesh cocoon” foundation they were always meant to be. They remind me more of the swath of creatures from The Thing than anything else and I find this to be a very positive direction for the series. No doubt, with the new snow-covered atmosphere this might be what the developers had in mind.

Second, and it's only one screen, but check out the creepy looking human-sized toy soldiers. Of course you can only garner so much from one screen, but this is pure old-school horror stuff right there, and might go to allay some fears people have been having that DS3 would be eschewing its horror roots for something much more run-and-guny.

It remains to be seen how much of the Gears of War-sy, Lost Planet-y stuff will be left in DS3 upon release. Visceral Games has already announced that universal ammo has been removed after fan backlash following the E3 2012 demonstration, and though cooperative play tends to instantly remove feelings of loneliness and dread, design decisions can work around that by separating players during high-drama instances. Basically, we can have both.

These screens making you feel better about Dead Space 3? Worse?


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    12 years, 2 months ago

    A cooperative game is always less scary than a single player game. On top of that I cannot see how the single player experience will not be negatively affected by making the game cooperative.

    Having another player means that if you go down there will another to revive you, taking away a lot of the tension. If you run out of ammo, the other person can help.

    The single player experience will be practically destroyed by having to rely on a dumb AI to take the role of the other player too.

  • Velius Avatar
    12 years, 2 months ago

    I dont think Dead Space 3 can ever be scary, based on coop alone. I found Dead Space 1 creepy and spooky and I was genuinely frightened at some points. I think it had to do with the clunkiness of the controls, When Dead Space 2 came out it was no longer scary to me at all. The controls were so tight and it was so fun to shoot things I didn't have time to be creeped out. Aside from the spookiness of going into the empty Ishimura sequence, the only thing it had were jump scares and you could see them coming from a mile away. Assuming the controls are going to be good and with coop on top of that, I don't see it being possible for Dead Space 3 to be scary. That said, I enjoyed Dead Space 2 immensely, completing it around 8 or 9 times now. I think it is just a really good action game and if Dead Space 3 offers the same I'll be checking it out regardless of scare factor.

  • NierAndFar Avatar
    12 years, 2 months ago

    It's good they took out universal ammo because that would have just been silly. But really, I'm not really hoping for a "scary" game out of Dead Space 3. Dead Space 1 lost it's spookiness half way through when you had large amounts of ammo, powerful weapons, and upgraded suits. I may rent Dead Space 3 just to run through it in co-op with my girlfriend, because it looks like a pretty solid game.

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    12 years, 2 months ago

    Look's ok to me, but not brilliant. I just hope the law holds up.

    Look at the second screen shot, there seams to be markers in the background all raped up and ready to post. Looks consistent with this image from the Dead Space 3 Facebook page http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391641_10151118661216659_442248613_n.jpg

    Glad they listened to the fan feed back about the ammo too.