Today Deep Silver have announced the release date for Dead Island: Riptide as April 23, 2013 and gave us a look at the box art as well. 

The original Dead Island proved to be a divisive title here at 4Player but I found myself enjoying it quite a bit for it's ability to impart a sense of weakness on the player in a frightening way, quite the opposite than titles like Left 4 Dead which tend to treat hordes of zombies more like a nuisance.

The new box art (below) also has that nice stark contrast that the collectors edition of the original Dead Island had, while still being somewhat colorful and containing a lot of movement. A win-win for those who liked both permutations of the original title.


  • Godofspookiness Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    I'm hyped, love the first Dead Island. Hope this is good too, I'm gonna go through Dead Island again before the end of the year.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Saw the CGI trailer for this and yet again, they still go with the same tone of dread and despair and that doesn't fit with the final product. But whatever, I won't get myself tricked again with this false advertisement.

  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    wasnt riptide the arena style dlc for dead island? correct me if im wrong, is this a stand alone?