In news that will surely make both Nick Henderson and Chris Davis very happy, Reverb Publishing and Lukewarm Media have announced that Primal Carnage will be available to download for PC on October 29th 2012.

For those unfamiliar, Primal Carnage is the Dinosaur Vs. Man multiplayer game that we actually had a fantastic time playing at PAX Prime this past year. Players have the choice of 5 human or 5 dinosaur types as they battle it out in a struggle for Eco-superiority. You'll be able to get the game from the Primal Carnage website, Steam, GameStop, GamersGate, and Rain. So take your pick

Having played it myself at PAX, Primal Carnage is a fun, straightforward, versus game with dinosaur abilities throw in to mix up the action. Much like a prehistoric-themed Natural Selection. My only hesitation is its need for more modes and more divergence within the gameplay...but we'll see what they've added when we play the final version. 

You can check out our coverage of Primal Carnage at PAX Prime here and here.


  • Honster Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Eh, i like dino themed games, but i am really more partial to the tense feeling man vs predator fight, not so much the online TDM vibe. I wish Lukewarm the best but if i want to play a good class based shooter im still going straight to TF2.

    From the looks of it doesnt quite scratch my dino or online FPS itch to me.

  • PrideSwine Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Add a few Dino x Car scenes and I do believe we have a Nick GOTY on our hands.

    But other than that, I think that more games should add dinosaurs. It's like having a human gun sounds option - that is to say, the best thing ever.

  • Skittles0520 Avatar
    12 years, 3 months ago

    Funny, I thought Nick would have written this article...hehehe

    But I watched the footage from Pax and it looked cool enough for me to want to try it.
