Reviews for Resident Evil 6 have hit the net today and things aren't looking good for the iconic survival-horror series. Having eschewed pretty much everything that makes it both 'survival' and 'horror' it seems like the series has not only done a disservice to itself, but a disservice to the genera that it helped to spawn. I have a myriad of thoughts on this but my main questions now Silent Hill the last great survival horror game? 

There have always seemed to be two camps of thought on these two titles. There were always 'Resident Evil people' and 'Silent Hill people' the same way there are Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans. Resident Evil 6 just seems like the Episode I of Resident Evil games. 

Maybe I'm missing something here, but when you whitewash your series to basically become a hackneyed clone of budget third-person shooters, you kind of take yourself out of the race you actually started. 

We have a review roundup for Resident Evil 6 and additional community discussion going on in our forums here.


  • Frank Hartnett Avatar
    Frank Hartnett
    12 years, 4 months ago

    The Resident Evil series has definitely shifted far, far away from its roots. Sadly; though, RE games such as this still sell well which tells Capcom to just make more.

  • Winter Espionage Avatar
    Winter Espionage
    12 years, 4 months ago

    "when you whitewash your series to basically become a hackneyed clone of budget third-person shooters, you kind of take yourself out of the race you actually started."

    That, that alone, pretty much sums up everything about the game

  • daethwing188 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    What about Amnesia?

  • Nadia Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    "Resident Evil 6 just seems like the Episode I of Resident Evil games." And we all know Episode I is where everything went down wait, maybe Hayden Christensen's acting...whatever. Even Silent Hill is falling behind, I saw Jeff playing Downpour today on the feed and when did screaming like a little girl ALL THE TIME be okay in these games? Granted, it's much more realistic to be screaming your ass off when getting attacked, but that should be left for the player, not the character. On top of that, gameplay looked incredibly awkward, especially with the puzzles and open world: You're supposed to feel lost in Silent Hill, but Silent Hill shouldn't exactly lose you. It's supposed to be a maze, not a bamboo forest. In this race to make the "batshit insane horror mixed with a little mainstream shooting" game, both franchises have lost their's sad, I love Pyramid Head, too....

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I agree I'll still play this game as for most people but the demo really made me not very excited to play a RE game and that is just sad. Still if it fails i hope Capcom will learn from this and made good changes to this series

  • crossoutlaw Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    yeah too bad silent hill hasn't been that great still hoping for a alan wake 2

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I'll be holding my opinion until after I get a while into the game. But as far as Survival Horror goes, there's really not that many options left to be honest.

    Really, we haven't had many Survival Horror games in general: Silent Hill (Downpour and Shattered Memories), Resident Evil (5 even though it was mainly action horror but I'll come back to part of that), Fatal Frame (Japanese exclusive 4 and 1/2?), Dead Space (went actiony), Amy (apparently not that good but I'll give it a try anyway), Siren (Blood Curse possibly being a one time deal with no sequel), and Amnesia.

    Now, here's what I'm hoping for with 6. 5, while definitely a fun game, really lacked in the atmosphere to me. I liked the co-op in the game, but I felt they really needed to work on the tension part of the game. This is where Lost in Nightmares comes in. I felt is they took Lost in Nightmares and made RE6 a lot like it with the dark environments, random events (the big monsters in it always seemed to appear at different places to me), and just tense moments where you don't have an arsenal behind you. And I believe really that this idea of mainly action came from RE4. Not the beginning because I think they did a good job with that. A few enemies here and there, some jump scares, enemies pouring out in an arena type fight, and then nothing big for a while. Enemies scattered around. The part where they started to turn away from survival into more action was really the Island area of 4, just one long action scene. It's not nearly as impressive if there's a lot of projectile enemies (crossbow, gatling gun, RPG, that huge minigun the cultists used in the castle). I mean look at RE3. As soon as you saw Nemesis running at you with that rocket launcher, you knew you were screwed, and it didn't happen that open in the game. Most of the time when you were locked in one corner of a narrow map and you had to get around him somehow.

    You don't need a constant influx of enemies. You need to build the tension up. "What's going to happen when I open this door? Will there be a room full of enemies or will it be empty? Once I grab this key, will a Licker burst through the window? I only have a pistol so I hope not."

    So as long as RE6 has at least some good atmosphere and tension, I'll be happy. But we'll have to wait and see tomorrow.

  • Rigvertigo Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I've never had problem with the direction RE took back with 4 (which I still consider to be the best in the series). While it may not be as scary (one could say the original 3 weren't exactly scary either,outside of a few jump/pop out scares) as it once was,it made for a more exciting, fun to play game. Not to mention,the turn it's taken makes more sense story wise. Why should highly trained military and law enforcement personnel have the mobility of a tank?

    The loss of zombies? Nevermind the fact that the market is oversaturated with zombie games these days,another zombie game is the last thing we need. Look at the Japanese title, "Biohazard". The running theme since day one has been biological warfare and Wesker's goal of world domination. As such,the scale has grown from a simple mansion to other continents and international conflict. The enemies aren't the stereotypical slow, plodding zombies, but zombies with the intelligence to operate firearms and move around more....strategically I guess you could say.

    My main concerns with the game lie with the technical aspects. Camera placement. Graphics. Menus. Inventory management. Those have taken a turn for the worse. Stylistically though...things make sense.

    Invoking "Silent Hill" won't help either. Silent Hill's stories have always been personal, centered around the protagonist. They've always been ordinary citizens,which helped rationalize the lack of combat resourcefulness. I say RE was destined to go this route. Silent Hill on the other hand, just fell apart.

  • Skittles0520 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    From seeing the 'evolution' of the RE series and the Silent Hill series, RE has definitely changed. Not for the better, but for what the company thinks what will sell it. I remember watching my brother play RE 1 in our grandmas basement in the dark and being completely terrified. Same with Silent hill. Seems like RE has focused more on action and co-op losing focus of what 'survival horror' really is...Silent hill still capitalizes on that.

  • Witty Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I've tried to like Resident Evil 6, but it's just not happening. I just hope that the people who wanted it aren't disappointed, at least then it wont be a complete waste.

  • Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    IMO, RE is no longer a survival horror. It is just another competent shooter.
    SH might be the last survival horror big name franchise, but I feel it will soon follow the same path as RE. Only time will tell.

  • TrigggrHppy Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    No more RE scares, no more Dead Space scares, Silent Hill is in shambles (sorry Nick but its true), the whole genre is in trouble. Its depressing, and it doesn't make sense. All those franchises were golden before the devs/publishers messed them up. Why is it so difficult to keep your shit together in the horror genre?

  • Avatar
    Tim Bacani
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Having played a street date broken RE6 I can definitely say that the Resident Evil series has far removed itself from its survival horror roots. Though I'm sure people already knew this is where the series was heading after the last few games. I had hopes for Leon's campaign and the first few chapters definitely still have that RE vibe. But it quickly devolves into a Hollywood action movie rife with explosions, helicopter chases, and improbable action sequences. I'm hoping this will be a wake-up call for Capcom.

  • The Cineaste Avatar
    The Cineaste
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I think both Silent Hill and Resident Evil have been run to the ground. Silent Hill tries to evoke old school horror by using new tech, which just detriments the horror value completely, while RE is trying to fit itself into a different genre for sake of (this always makes me laugh) "evolution". Evolution my ass.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    I honestly think neither games are survival horror anymore. RE has essentially become a third person shooter with monsters and SH has become a psychological story with monsters. Despite that I like the new stories in more recent SH games alot more that the original series (except 2) such as shattered memories and doumpour. RE on the other hand is no longer on my to play list.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago


  • Shazza1990 Avatar
    12 years, 4 months ago

    Thank god for Amnesia for keeping it fresh. Here's hoping it continues to gain popularity.
    It's sad to hear this about RE6, I was looking so forward to playing it.