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Lost Planet 3 has been on my periphery as a standard third-person shooter with colossus style boss fights. Nothing more than that. Admittedly, this is probably not giving any series the attention it probably deserves in order to prioritize it properly, but in this post Gears of War atmosphere it's hard to break away from the standard preconceptions. I'm sure a lot of you are there with me.
Then came today. After watching the video below, which I believe has been shown via convention before, it wasn't the cover-system or the shooting mechanics that caught my attention. Nor was it the enemy designs -which are a bit drab- or even the final mech vs. giant pseudo-scorpion. Actually, it was the dialogue and interaction between the characters in the final CGI moments of the demo. Moments that the narrator sort of tosses off without too much buildup. The voice acting is really good...the dialogue natural and flowing. It doesn't come off has too heavy or unrealistic in any way, and even though it's taking place during a fairly tense situation, it just feels reflective of how a situation like this would go.
Does this mean that the story of Lost Planet 3 will be great? Not necessarily, but this can act as a base for some really good moments. And even though my secret hope for a The Thing type of atmosphere in this game are certainly not going to come true -building-sized bugs don't really do much to add atmospheric tension to a game- there is a possibility for a well executed narrative to take place between all the shooting and exploding.
Check out the video below, particularly the end, and let me know what you think.
12 years, 3 months ago
Really good post and I agree that I enjoy a good narrative, and I really like the exchange between characters if they are good it can really make the world more engaging. Well at least thats what I enjoy.