Maybe it's just the fact that  I'm coming off four days of loud video game noises and my brain is starting to feel more like zombie-mish-mash than the perfect thinking machine it was before the weekend, but the launch trailer for Battlefield 3's Armored Kill DLC is intense.

I understand that DICE wants you to feel the hectic nature of battle in the trailer, but it's these insane moments of BF3, where your screen is nothing but a wash of bullets and explosions, that are usually the least fun. Don't let the trailer fool you, these are the moments when you spawn in and die within 1 second.

What do I like about armor battles in Battlefield? Long range volley. Trying to take tanks out from across the map while your squad slowly creeps the long way around to grab a point. Doing long helicopter sweeps on fast moving vehicles and then high-tailing it out of there before an enemy soldier can get a lock-on. Sure, that type of thing doesn't exactly make for a heart pumping tailer, but it certainly makes for heart pumping gameplay.

Armored Kill will have those moments, I guarantee. With maps that big, players will learn the tactics soon enough and people will stop using their tanks as lances, instead of cannons, after awhile.

Armored Kill is out NOW for PS3 Premium subscribers but won't be released until September 11th for both Xbox 360 and PC players.  People who didn't give EA another $50 will have to wait until September 18 and September 25 , respectively, to get in on the action.


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    12 years, 5 months ago

    It always seemed like getting to a tank was a like jumping to a coffin, but if my tank is one of 6 then that should be fun.