With great sadness I must report to you, dear readers, that Nintendo Power...the iconic magazine which brought you Nintendo news and coverage (with a heavy dose of Power) from the earliest days of the NES, may soon be releasing its final issue.

Inside sources have told Ars Technica, which have been corroborated by Nintendo Power senior editor Chris Hoffman in a tweet which he quickly wiped, that Nintendo had chosen not to renew the publishing deal with Future Publishing and had no plans to publish the magazine itself.   Staff over at Nintendo Power were informed last week that they would be closing shop, and many have already begun transitioning to other projects within Future Publishing.

Neither Nintendo nor Future Publishing have provided any additional comments concerning the end of Nintendo Power and, personally, I'm hoping that a deal with another publisher can be reached. I have fond memories of Nintendo Power. Every day I would walk home from elementary school reading it, studying levels and learning about the next games to come out. It was my partner during the early years of video games, and really -without internet- one of the only things we had to learn about the games we loved.

I can still see that Castlevania cover stark in my mind. Cheezy Halloween mask and all.  Here's hoping for the best.


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    12 years, 5 months ago

    On the bright side: They've only been publishing it since issue 222. So I won't have to dip into my bank account to order back issues from Nintendo Power's golden age before the run out or lose the rights to make them (seeing as they don't have any). Still, I wish I had issues 1-12 and took better care of the ones I had (so many missing covers...) I guess there will always be scans/pdfs at least.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    I remember how excited I use to get when my Nintendo Power would come in. Especially after a renewable when it would come with a free guide book. I think the first issue I ever got was the Sonic Adventure 2 issue. I think I stopped getting them when they switched to Future Publishing. I think that was around the time they also made the switch from the NSider forums to the boring tech forums they have today. One thing I'll always remember is that they use to always have those mail-in ads to buy an ocarina. I wanted that blue Ocarina of Time so badly.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    reading this article makes me want to quote T.S. Elliot.
    something about the the world ending not with a bang, but a whimper

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    The current NP doesn't come close to the old stuff. I didn't have a subscription until the N64 days and seeing a new mag in the mail always made my day.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    I lost interest years ago in Nintendo Power. So while I did enjoy it once, I won't lose any sleep over this.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    I'm still waiting for Future's "THIS IS EVERY GAMING MAGAZINE NOW" and its run of 5-8 issues.

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    I think they made it far longer than anyone thought they would. I had a subscription to NP a while ago and i was a great little magazine.

    I totally expect Nintendo Power to stick around as a WiiU channel or something.

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    Sony Liverpool/Psygnosis to Shut Down - 4Player Po
    12 years, 5 months ago

    [...] seems to be a week for news of old icons shutting their doors forever. First we had Nintendo Power and now we have Sony Liverpool, or as we knew it during the PS1 era,  Psygnosis, shutting down for [...]

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    12 years, 5 months ago

    Now I regret not renewing my subscription just a few years ago...