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This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
-T.S. Eliot (The Hollow Men)
As we draw closer to the Mists of Pandaria release for World of Warcraft I'm finding myself more than a little reflective for my time in that world. Not that I want to ever go back. My time in large scale linear MMO's are pretty much over, as they are for most people, and I can't help but feel like I'm standing on a large overhang as I watch the tectonic plates of online gaming beginning to shift below me.
I've written extensively on this changing market and the movement from the linear, and heavily scripted, stories of the WOW clones, and into the new era of emergent narrative that games like EVE Online and DayZ have used as their very foundation. The sinking numbers of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and the very volatility of the MMO market itself have acted as a beacon to shine a light on this metamorphosis. And as MMO publishers have struggled to compete with WOW, and attempt to create their very own brand of "Wow Killer" -strangely enough trying to use the very fabric of that game against itself- the small upstarts like Minecraft and DayZ have been the ones to garner the most popularity.
But the signs of this can also be found in WOW itself. Not only in flagging numbers, which have been a continual problem for Blizzard, but with the very reception of the Mists of Pandaria expansion itself. While excitement for the release was high with some, it was trashed by most everyone else...and the rest of the populace gave it little more than a second glance. Put this in comparison to the reception of The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, or Cataclysm. Expansion releases that easily matched the popularity of full fledged games being released around that time.
People's desires are changing, and with them the very atmosphere that sustained WOW as the king of online gaming entertainment for so long. Blizzard would be exceptionally foolish not to notice these changes happening right in front of them, and I don't believe they would be blind to the effects this is obviously having on their bottom line. Take into account that they are also currently working on a new MMO project and I think it's safe to say that Mists of Pandaria can easily be the last WOW expansion that we see.
Of course, Blizzard has denied that this is the case, and with good reason. One does not tell their subscriber base that the game they cherish might be coming to an end. Not only would the email outcry be enough to derail any other PR message Blizzard would be trying to put forward, it would also speed up a subscription loss that they are already finding trouble containing.
Personally, I think the writing's on the wall. Minecraft has shown off a new online gamestyle with little to no barrier to entry. EVE Online has been plugging away successfully for a long time now with that model, and games like DayZ and The WarZ are threatening to put the nail in the coffin of story driven online experiences. I'm sure Blizzard knows this as well, and I think we can be sure to see their next project taking some big steps in this direction.
12 years, 5 months ago
to think that there won't be a new expansion is just foolish, the game still has millions of players.
12 years, 5 months ago
Titan Blizzards next mmo will be the death of WoW, not minecraft, or dayZ. while i do like both games, they just can't compete. Guild Wars II will be the only game to put a dent, but that dent won't equal the amount of subs WoW will gain from MoP, the reason theres even a drop in subs is due to a lack of new content. There hasn't been a content patch in 6+ months now, its not due to anything but that, that you are seeing a drop in subs.
12 years, 5 months ago
I've said this before, I'll say it again. Blizzard will keep making WoW expansions until they are done telling the stories they want to tell. Look at Everquest. The ORIGINAL Everquest. Still getting expansions 13 years after release even alongside development and expansion work for EQ2. The reason all the WoW clones have failed in the past isn't entirely on want of a freeform MMO either, although it's most certainly a factor. The reason WoW clones have failed is becuase they offer teh same gameplay experience as WoW, but without as much nor as good established end-game content that WoW has.
The reason WoW itself is bleeding subscribers (While still being absolutely MASSIVE mind you) is because it's gameplay is OLD. It's systems and engine were created in a time of technical limitations that aren't an issue anymore. Look at Guild Wars 2, as much as it's progressing and looks to be a big title with everything it's doing it's still a Theme-Park MMO. There is nothing wrong with that either.
The "outrage" of MoP is ridiculous as well and is more coming from the fact of "pandas" rather than what Blizzard is doing with the expansion itself. I'm sure a lot of people are just bored with how WoW plays more than anything and were looking for an excuse to leave (rather than just leaving,) and "Kung-fu Panda" gave them some grand excuse for them to shout "THIS IS WHY I'M QUITTING" form the high-heavens.
Theme Park MMO's aren't the problem per-se, a lot of players like the direction they can provide. It's the ancient architecture that WoW was built on that's causing a migration away to newer, better, more engaging rollercoasters. Even with Titan on the horizon WoW hasn't seen it's final sunset. My money is on only one more expansion with WoW however (for reasons that I'll hold off on here,) with it's final content patch being somewhere in the next 3-4 years.
12 years, 5 months ago
All great series regardless of movie,game,book whatever must end at sometime....natural conclusion usually....
12 years, 5 months ago
Man I played WoW back in 2004-2005, never tried any of the expansions but damn I loved it. I quit before I started college but over the last 5 years during every expansion release I get really tempted to go back and play again. I still consider playing it with my friends the most fun I have ever had in an online game. I really miss my Troll Hunter... R.I.P Funtusk
12 years, 5 months ago
Part of me thinks the Mist of Pandaria stuff is getting thrashed is because of how silly the concept is. Seriously, think about it:
Burning Crusades - Two entirely new races.
Lich King - Hero class introduced (or whatever the fudge it's called).
Cataclysm - Big world change & new races
Mists of Pandaria - PANDAS
See what I mean?
12 years, 5 months ago
I think this has been discussed before previously but I can only assume that the player base for World of Warcraft is declining.
That being said, I've played a lot of Reign of Chaos and Frozen throne back in the day, Pandaren Brewmaster had to be my favorite neutral hero out there. Just sayin'.