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What does an adventurer do when they're done slaying dragons? Settle down, apparently.
The new DLC for Skyrim gives the player the ability to buy land and build and customize a house from the ground up. And I don't mean just place a house. It looks as if you make a house from fairly raw materials and build it with a high amount of detail. ( the video below the Dovahkiin is making nails....nails!)
According to Bethesda's press release houses can range "from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with armory, alchemy laboratory, and more." It also looks like you'll be able to adopt children, but since you can't yet kill children in a Bethesda game I see no reason to do that.
I guess that sounds all well and good but right now I'm living in a giant vampire castle with hot blood dolls to feed from whenever I want. Not sure how you can beat that. I do like the idea of expanding the crafting in Skyrim in such a way, and I can certainly see this being expanded to the point of building entire communities in later Bethesda titles. What about the ability to create a town and be your very own Warlord in Fallout 4? Yes please.
Hearthfire will be available for download for 400 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live on September 4.
12 years, 6 months ago
Ah, the quiet, simple life in the Skyrim countryside...
12 years, 6 months ago
HMM....Im interested tell me more.
12 years, 6 months ago
I'd say it'll be less than an hour after the expansion comes out that someone with the PC mod that lets you murder children will build a mansion, fill it with kids, then record a video of the slaughter.
12 years, 6 months ago
"What about the ability to create a town and be your very own Warlord in Fallout 4? Yes please."
You just made me go from "Cool!" to "HRRRNNNG" in one statement.
12 years, 6 months ago
You should consider looking into this if you have fallout 3 on the pc Joseph.
12 years, 6 months ago
The most importent question now is
CAN I FARM like I do in harvest moon?
I've been putting dawngaurd off since its like $20, I guess I'll wait a while for this too.
12 years, 6 months ago
If you are on PC.. complete waste of money. Already mods for everything in that video.
12 years, 6 months ago
Lamest Add-On i've seen in years...
12 years, 6 months ago
it's not some huge epic add-on that will drag people back into skyrim like hungry dogs after a tender steak, but it's something that'll be neat to have the option of doing. personally I enjoy games like the sims where you can be the arcitect and create something custom of your own, playing sims as a game after that, not so much.
I'm interested, but probably won't be THE thing that drags me back in the world of tamriel.
12 years, 6 months ago
want to kill children? there's a mod for that....seriously
12 years, 6 months ago
Joseph I know Brad is busier than usually lately, but tell him to get Trailer Talk back on!
Or you do it, looked forward to that series a ton.
12 years, 6 months ago
"It also looks like you’ll be able to adopt children, but since you can’t yet kill children in a Bethesda game I see no reason to do that."
I was going to say the exact same thing.