4pp, 4player

This went up a day or so ago but we talked about it a bit on Cocktail Time LIVE last night. Naughty Dog has released another short Last of Us Video, this time focusing on deep characterization rather than the fighting gameplay we've seen recently.

Basically, Naughty Dog is fantastic at this kind of thing and I really love how the scene plays out. The overarching feeling of the scene goes from safety, to terror, to suspicion and back to safety again in a little under three minutes. It's indicative of a world where no one is truly a friend, and everyone is suspicious, but everyone also knows that underneath it all they need each others help if they have any hope of making it though alive.

Or as we've been talking about the last number of weeks, that thing DayZ does by the very nature of its mechanics.

I especially like the strength of the child character that's on display here. Much more aggressive than the main protagonist, you certainly get the feeling that her mechanics will be nothing like an escort mission and will be almost anti-ICO in their delivery.

What do you think?


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    12 years, 6 months ago

    I think anti-Ico is a very appropriate term describe the dynamic of these two characters. I can see the primary concern being keeping her under control (not giving away your position and randomly attacking enemies) rather than keeping her alive as is the standard for so many games like this. It would be interesting if you didn't get a game over if she happens to get captured or is killed, but with the way they are marketing this she's way too important to the story they're delivering for them to take that route.

    The Last of Us looked good from the first trailer on, and it gets better and better the more they show of it.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    This game looks very good. I am very interested with this game, but so far, to me at least, the faces look very emotionless. They need to move more.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    She is just precious !

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    This game is shaping up to be even better than I had anticipated It may well be my goty.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    Im really starting to like Ellies character.