Ubisoft has gone and released what they are calling an extended trailer for the upcoming Vita Assassin's Creed title, Liberation.

You'll be playing as Aveline, an assassin of "mixed French and African heritage" as you fly about doing all the sort of Assassin'y things you've been doing for, basically, the entire series. And though this might give Vita/Assassin Creed fans something to purchase that both further's the franchise and supports their purchase of a Vita, there isn't very much here that the uninitiated will find particularly exciting.

It will be interesting if the Vita's other functions are worked into the title, like the use of the multiple touchscreens or cameras, but as of now this is simply a scaled down, re-skinnned and portable reason people have come to the series in the first place. For many, this will be all they need.


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    12 years, 6 months ago

    We'll see how this goes, but honestly when I saw this I just thought 'Oh, some more AC content I can sink my teeth into.' but that's exactly the same way I thought about Brotherhood and Revelation. Ubisoft was doing fantastically with eliciting the usual AC hype with the trailers for AC III, but is this going to help as well? Please. Let me just jump into the new title without any other little Assassin Snacks along the way, I'm kinda getting my appetite ruined again.

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    12 years, 6 months ago

    If it's in game, that's pretty sweet. Just curious as to what this Assassin's Creed will bring that the others haven't already. So far AC hasn't wowed me on a handheld.