I'm pretty much convinced at this point that Unisoft's Watch Dogs is going to be an early next gen game. Some of these outdoor visuals are just too good, and it's simply too early in the games development for it to be considered for anything but. Last night on Cocktail Time we discussed the possibility of it being released on the current and next gen consoles, as was the case with the PS2 at first, and I can certainly see that as a possibility.

Honestly, I hope it's not released just for this generation. I'm getting a little tired of my games sacrificing their visual fidelity to appear on current consoles.

The video below is what brought about these thoughts. It's additional gameplay of Watch Dogs brought to us by CVG. You'll see some additional outdoor areas and gameplay that we haven't seen since the original E3 presentation, and it all looks just as good as everything else we've seen.


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Really cool. This game is looking to be the next big thing, and that makes me excited. However I hope that the player is able to actively shape the situations they find themselves in rather than move from scripted mission to scripted mission. I remember one of the biggest complaints with Assassin's Creed early on (the first one) was the lack of ways to actually accomplish your goals. You pretty much found yourself doing the same thing over and over again whenever you got a new target. I hope Ubisoft has learned from making the newer AC games and incorporates a way for the player to pick their battles rather than having every conflict result in a gun fight.*

    *Don't get me wrong, the gun fights look really cool, but I think forcing the player to participate in them would take away from their impact and the impact of the other player abilities as well.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Ubisoft has said multiple times in interviews that they are developing it for current gen consoles (and will probably end up as an early next-gen title as well). But what they've been showing has obviously only been on a high-end PC for now. So yes, it definitely won't look that good on ps3/360.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    PCGamer mag already announced that they are releasing this on PC in 2013. On current consoles it will not look as good of course.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Lookin' good!

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 7 months ago

    "Honestly, I hope it’s not released just for this generation. I’m getting a little tired of my games sacrificing their visual fidelity to appear on current consoles."

    I honestly hope it is. We need a driven, competent new 3rd party IP to help push people in the right direction rather than being complacent with their current system and game library.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    HOLY headphones.....thanks for the heads up with the autorun video joseph. The game is definitely next gen, that or its a high end PC game like witcher 2. I believe ubisoft has stated that the game is using a modified unreal engine 3....which only makes me want unreal engine 4 games even more. Ubisoft has said that this was for current consoles, but no way in hell will they look like the demo shown....we need a next gen with the lack luster nintendo showcases their "next gen". I want next years e3., especially since most of the games will be out around Q1 of next year...kinda hinting that dry spell before a big console launch in winter.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Well even if this game does come out on current gen consoles I am definitely getting this for my PC instead.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Pretty sure it's PC graphics, Star Wars 1313 looks really beautiful, but from the interviews they were playing on a PC so if it does go to current gen consoles the graphics on that will be dumbed down a little as well. Right now the Wii U is probably the only console that could come close until the next PS and Xbox become available.