Looks like there's going to be more controllers available than just the screen-based main controller for the Wii U.

Tonight, at Nintendo's pre-E3 video presentation, they released a photo of the new Pro controller which looks pretty much like an Xbox 360 controller with a Wii U logo on it, and hopefully with a better d-pad.

This may also be Nintendo's solution to only having one screen-based controller available for a console in a era when 2-4 player availability is the standard.  You can also notice the recharge port at the top. In any case...can Microsoft sue for this design?


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    Nolan Hedstrom
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Get your Xbox out of my Wii U...

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    Nolan Hedstrom
    12 years, 9 months ago

    As far as suing for design goes, I'd say no. It's just different enough to be "different". The ABXY buttons and right joy sick are swapped and the center buttons are slightly different. Looks like it might be a little longer too.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    A 360 controller with a good d-pad? Sold!

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    The design looks really boring to me, and I wish they would just stick with one controller.

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    Victus Unus
    12 years, 9 months ago

    So doesn't this makes it, three different controllers for the Wii U. What the fuck Nintendo.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    The button layout seems a little odd to me. Going all the way down for the Y and B with your thumb just seems like it would be kind of awkward.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    They should've stuck with something closer to the Classic Controller Pro. That thing's near perfect.

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Looks like one of those crappy knock-off MadCatz controllers. The stick placement looks uncomfortable too. So much for people claiming Nintendo came up with original controller designs.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    The stick placement seems odd and uncomfortable. I don't see why Nintendo would just make a traditional console instead of using gimmicks. Hope this one turns out well, for Nintendo's sake.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    It's silly to judge the design philosophy of Nintendo, considering they've always did things their way and have yet to really fail outside of the Gamecube. And even then, I thought the GC designs were comfortable and "fresh".

    I personally think it took a Microsoft approach to look, and am confident that the controller will feel fine in our palms. The tablet...that's another topic.

    I'm excited to see what Nintendo is doing. I'm a fan of risky-ideas and change, and Nintendo often makes the best of those.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I love this. a 360-like controller for nintendo games? Yes please. Also I like the fact that they are giving the player a choice of controllers, than making someone play with wiimotes or ipads.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Never liked the 360 controller. One of the worst that I have ever used. Side by side, the Pro controller is a mirror of the 360's. Nintendo is pretty good at imagining new and quirky things, this however is unimaginative and lazy.

    It's good they have a real controller, I just expect it to be "required" for games that might not support the Wii-tablet.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    dude i hate the fucking right analog over the buttons in this and the wii-u controller....ur thumbs feel more comfortable going towards the index finger....not extending away....i just get the feeling its gonna feel really weird in games where i have to jump with X or maybe its A....and then try to hit Y or X..i mean the d-pad is mainly used to switch items and such, but man even the middle...look at all those tiny buttons...is anyone gonna hit exactly the home button?

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I think it looks pretty cool. The A,B,X,Y button placement seems weird. I wonder how it feels in your hands?

    I don't really understand why so many people have been complaining about this. First people bitch about the tablet controller and now they bitch about this one, I don't get it. I can understand the worry of being forced to buy one of these things, that would suck, but from my understanding Nintendo did say that Wii peripherals will work with the Wii U as well so Classic Controller Pros should work if you have one already.

    As for Microsoft suing, I'd say they have no basis. I don't ever recall Nintendo suing Sony for the Move and if that didn't happen then I doubt anything will happen with this either.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    man its tru looking at their old classic controller pro compared to this new one....they draw heavy from the 360 design...the triggers and shoulder buttons are a huge different from the classic...the overall shape reminds me of the 360, i think they even use the same font on the buttons in bold (the classic had small cased letters), but yeah i think this is just gonna divide the fucking community and devs...like which controller are they gonna support and the dam system only supports 2 tablets, how are u gonna do 4 ppl co-op, only support 4 pro controllers. What kind of controllers do ppl need to buy? i get the feeling nintendo is gonna say...buy 2 tablets and 2 pro controllers...ohh ur classic controller pro, umm i dont think the devs supported that controller so i dont think u can use it. man i swear nintendo is gonna make bank on just controller sales

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Just announced, the new slimmer, 250 GB Wii-U Slim Model, featuring full kinect support and a free copy of Halo-U

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    E3 2012: Nintendo Shows "Miiverse" Servi
    12 years, 9 months ago

    [...] addition to announcing a traditionally-styled controller, Nintendo also covered some other details ahead of their E3 press conference this Tuesday. The two [...]

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    It's been confirmed that there can be multiple tablets connected to one Wii-U for use.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I see this as Nintendo trying to appeal to gamers who love and are used to the 360 controller (and believe me there are a lot of them). Despite my preference for the classic pro controller if this makes gamers for comfortable with buying and playing a Wii-U I'm all for it

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I hope this one will come with the console. Otherwise this seems like a failure.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Yeh the good thing is hopefully this does compensate for only being able to have one tablet per console. My problem is, the placement of the right stick will take some getting used to, especially as the controller is so much like xbox's, so it will be odd having to reach down for the buttons instead.

    Hopefully closer to launch, there will be a local shop where I can try out both the controller and the tablet controller.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    That right analog stick looks like it would be extremely uncomfortable to use. I hope this isn't the final design.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Does this mean the wii-u wont have headset/mic support? I am not a wii gamer so i dont know if the current wii supports it but the only port i see on that controller is usb. So that would mean you can only charge or use a headset?

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    D-pad looks good at least.