In a day where zombie games infect the market, running rampant like some sort of apocalypse, one can barely feel enthusiastic when yet another zombie game is announced. However, recently it seems that the zombie "genre" has taken a turn and mutated into another type of beast entirely. With recent titles like DayZ, developers have been making steps to bring the games back into the survival horror fold, focusing on the desperately fucked situation an apocalypse is instead of the boring "kill lots of dudes" and "horde mode" shooters of today.

At Nintendo's E3 2012 conference, they announced a line-up of games ranging from the unique to the unbearable. Fortunately for us, one of those unique titles as Ubisoft's ZombiU, a zombie survival game for Nintendo's upcoming Wii U console. The game focuses on giving the player one life to try and survive a zombie outbreak in London. You are required to do everything in your ability to survive as long as possible: scavenge equipment, barricade doors and of course kill zombies. The game deviates slightly from the standard zombie formula in that once you get bit, you're a goner. Death is permanent for your character, but you will be able to start all over as a new survivor. The world persists as well, so if you find where your previous characters have met their demise, you may find a zombified past you hauling around that precious sniper rifle you previously attained.

There appear to be some multiplayer components as well. A "Survivors vs. Zombies" mode that pits two players in couch co-op. One player controls the zombies using the Wii U controller touch screen to spawn them in while the other player uses the main screen to fight in first person mode utilizing the classic controller. While we have no idea how this actually plays out or how the game changes when you are bereft of the Wii U controller, it'll be something to look forward to. There also appears to be a component where your friends (online or not was not specified) are notified of your death when you get infected and can hunt down your now zombie character.

It looks like Ubisoft is doing everything right with the WiiU controller; using the touch screen to pull up inventory, hack doors and smartly utilizing AR. You can hold up the controller to the screen to scan areas, perform melee "finishers" and to focus in on your sniper scope. While I haven't seen any actual gameplay footage outside of the full rendered "demo," there has been some showcased at E3. Hopefully some of our on-site team will be able to elaborate more on what they've seen and hopefully be able to play it on the show floor.


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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Definitely sounds like a fun concept for a zombie game, just need to see some actual gameplay before I'm sold.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    What you did here with the Wii U Ubisoft, that's what Nintendo needs to do with it. Not just zombie games, but use it as part of the game. You scope in using the screen on the controller to zoom, manage your inventory, a map, use it to scan items, check for heat signatures from enemies, anything like that.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Looks like it might be pretty jank.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Holy fuck! I think it looks fucking awesome. I wish it was coming to PC.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    Nice animation, now show us real gameplay!


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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 8 months ago

    Eh, I'll stick with Day Z as my preferred Zombie survival game for now. Both of those trailers did absolutely nothing to impress imo, CGI hands holding that controller, really?

    Also, why the hell are they making horror games that encourage you to swing the tablet controller around? I don't think a wrist strap would be practical for playing with something that big.

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    right now this and pikmin have the best chances of making ppl want to buy a wii-u on launch day. Thats kinda sad...super mario U doesnt seem to use the tablet in very interesting ways, it kinda looks like the wii super mario bros to be honest. no smash bros or zelda. no price or release date. no mention of new games coming out this fall for 360/ps3 also being on wii u (cough gta5). No real info on their internet infastructure... all they had to do was come out and show ppl why their version of the games will be better on wii-u...borderlands2, space marines, assasins creed 3, gta5?, hitman?, etc. thats all they had to do, but no we had more ubisoft which means nothing since we saw their shit already, a video telling us what these buttons on a controller was, and talking about nintendoland for too long...

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    This was pretty cool to watch if they can get this working in a fun and enjoyable way I may consider getting a Wii U

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    I like the idea of placing pause screen options and inventory goodies on the tablet screen that numerous Wii U games have shown (brings me back to the good ol' Dreamcast and the VMU, which sometimes displayed game info while playing) but I don't really care much for the other stuff. All of the waggling and aiming at stuff using the tablet screen seems to get in the way of gameplay, rather than enhancing it. Needless to say, a lot of these early titles are probably going to play poorly. Packaged and sold tech demos for basic activities possible on the Wii U. *moves along*

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    So this is like the Red Steel for WiiU? Come on Nintendo, give us a real game. Not just a half assed product to show off what your controller can do..