Ninja Theory released the first real story focused trailer for DmC this past week detailing the driving forces behind the remake. We discover that the world is not as it seems,vampires demons are pulling the strings from the background and a secret organization ofvampire demon hunters have recruited a new hero,Blade Dantez to join the fight. While we really don't get much from the trailer, the story does seem vaguely familiar and since this is Ninja Theory, we can expect some pretty crazy characters.

Our very own Brad Simons got a chance to play it on the show floor yesterday and his impressions didn't seem entirely negative.

"Camera and framerate need work, but it's probably Ninja Theory's best combat system"

There should be more coverage and impressions once the rest of the crew gets their hands on it and discuss it in our upcoming E3 2012 coverage podcasts.


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I gotta admit, I am totally loving on this trailer.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    This trailer does not give me any more faith in Ninja Theory. So demons are raving teenagers in disguise now?

    Jesus Christ.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Looking forward to this game I loved Ninja Theory's previous two titles and will most likely enjoy this one.

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    Nick Henderson
    12 years, 7 months ago

    Can't reiterate my love for this game enough. I love everything from the new art direction, to the fresh take on classic DMC characters (Dante/Mundus), to the soundtrack (gotta love me some Combichrist!)! Fuck haters.