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You just can't judge this years E3 by the conferences alone. Yes, some were better than other, and most were somewhat boring, but it's the show floor where E3 really shined and where we were able to find our picks for the best at E3 2012. So who came out on top, and you just barely missed the mark? Read on to find out.
E32012 Best of Show Nominations / Runners up
One of the first surprises we encountered at E3 2012 was that Hideki Kamiya and Platinum Games were showing off a Wii U exclusive that can only be described as one part Bayonetta and one part Pikmin. Playing as a member of a neighborhood Justice League you fight enemies by using a combination of basic attacks and then drawing shapes on the screen of the Wii U gamepad to transform into weapons. Just a giant fist, a sword and a gun were officially being shown off, but through our experimentation we also found that you could turn into a flying bomber as well.
An off-the-wall style fighter/crowd control game created by Hideki Kamiya with giant boss fights included? Yes please. If anything, this was the title that made us take a another, and more positive, look at the Wii U.
Hitman: Absolution
We had been talking a lot about Hitman: Absolution on the run-up to E3, most of which included us being vocally worried about the direction of this new installment. All those fears were washed away the moment we were shown the behind closed doors demonstration and finally got our hands on the King of Chinatown level. Though it does contain a few small additions taken from some modern day games like Splinter Cell: Conviction, for the most part this entry into the franchise looks like old-school Hitman through and through. From wide open levels, to guard statuses, stealing clothes and hiding in plane sight, we were more than thrilled to see the attributes we loved about the series make a return. Hitman: Absolution is one we absolutely can't wait for.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Though we played mostly just a tech demo, we saw enough to convince us that Revengeance is truly something special. From the great fighting system being developed by Platinum Games, to the highly addictive free-cut system that we wrote about extensively here, Revengeance is looking to not only be a great stand-alone title but also a welcome entry -if not a bit of a side one- to the Metal Gear Solid franchise as a whole. Stick around and I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot more about this title here at 4Player as time moves on.
Best E32012 Best of Show Winner
It's safe to say that no game impressed us more than Dishonored. An open-ended assassination game carrying with it the traits of Bioshock and Theif, it quickly stole our hearts during our demo playthrough. From the beautiful watercolor art style, to the way all the character abilities can interact with each other, Dishonored is not just a game you simply play, it's a game you experiment with.
For example, two of the abilities your character has is the ability to summon rats to devour enemies, and the ability to possess people. However these can both work in tandem, meaning we were able to summon rats and then possess one of the rats to enter into smaller areas in the level or creep past enemies.
Combat is also fairly simplified and refined in a Demon's Souls type fashion making it both easily accessible and fun. Enemies react from getting hit, parrying blows feels responsive and reactive, and diving in for kill moves is as brutal as you can imagine. it doesn't bog itself down with over-complicated combo systems or special attacks, it finds it's foundation in simplicity.
Of course you don't need to enter into combat at all if you don't want to. In the demo we saw enemies were possessed and then thrown off of balconies, locked in steam rooms and burned to death, or lead into various traps. Dishonored has so many ways to play that the possibility of experimentation is one of the most alluring things about it.
Expect to be hearing a lot more about Dishonored as its October 9th release date draws near. Now let's just all hope it doesn't get delayed.
12 years, 9 months ago
Good choices all around I'd say, though I am surprised at the absence of The Last of Us.
Opinions are personal and whatnot but I really can't imagine not being blown away by that demo walkthrough.
12 years, 9 months ago
I'm glad to see Project P-100 getting some love from you guys. If I'm honest it was probably my favorite thing from this E3. Looks really promising so far.
Not surprised to see Dishonored as the winner. The hype coming from it is huge and for good reason. Everything seems to be well put together and I don't think I've seen a single article, tweet or any type of press with a negative thing to say about it. Now let's hope this thing doesn't have the same fate as Prey 2 eh?
12 years, 9 months ago
A shame The Last of Us wasnt playable.
12 years, 9 months ago
Good choices especially MGS, im looking forward more to that than anything. At the start of this year I vowed not to play another FPS ever again and im glad to see some variety poking around.
12 years, 9 months ago
Great choices for great games. A little surprised Kamiya is working on a Wii U exclusive title but hey if its him the game is guaranteed to be fun.
12 years, 9 months ago
Excellent choices! I have been forcing my friends and coworkers to watch more of Dishonored and everyone has been blown away by it. Can't. Wait.
12 years, 9 months ago
I thought Dishonored wasn't open world, but mission based? I assume it is a hub-based open world if anything, akin to Deus Ex and Thief 3 seeing as Harvey Smith is working on it.
12 years, 9 months ago
[...] E3. It went from being a game we were afraid for, to capturing our hearts and earning one of our Game of Show [...]
12 years, 9 months ago
Never heard of project-100, but the other 3 definitely got my attention. Hitman is a first day buy for me. Dishonored is quite interesting but I think I'll wait on it, same goes for MGR.
12 years, 9 months ago
[...] already written extensively about the game here and in our Best of Show awards, but here’s how we felt mere moments after walking out of our hands-on demonstration. [...]
12 years, 9 months ago
You do know it's Pikmin and not Pimkin right? It's just that you said the same thing on cocktail time..