Mega Man soundtrack collection, 4Player, 4PP, 4Player Podcast

See that above? That's a 10 disk Mega Man soundtrack collection being released to commemorate the series' 25th anniversary, that also comes packaged in its own steel E-Tank. Pretty, right? You bet it is. This will be the first CD, nevermind a CD collection  that I've bought in the past 10 years.

Only one problem...I can't buy it and neither can you.  Unfortunately this collection is only available for Japanese residents through e-Capcom, and contains the soundtracks for Mega Man 1 through 10 including both the PlayStation and NES versions of the soundtracks for 1 through 6. So basically, everything you've ever wanted out of a Mega Man soundtrack collection.

The collection won't be available to you on September 19,  for ¥14,700 ($183.56)  that you don't have. Unless of course you're savvy enough to wade through the e-Capcom website. Bring your translator.

I'm sorry.


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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I'm not even a huge Mega Man fan, but I'm familiar enough to know that's really fucking neat. If you can afford it, I imagine there's gotta be at least one person in the community who can help you with translation issues.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Is times like this I like living in Japan :D

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    if you use google chrome it translates most of the pages for you, but idk how far that will get you
    if you really want it tho it's worth a try

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    You kidding me? Man D:> ....
    I really want that.. Oh well, ..... at least The MEGAS finally released a new album.
    Man, that E-Tank would have looked really cool on my Video game merchandise shelf too :<

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    That looks so awesome. I almost can't even picture what the rest of the tank would look like.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    Bra-fucking-vo. Seeing that its over priced as shit, I probably wouldn't have bought it, but I don't even get the fucking option now.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    I imagine most of these tracks are available online through less than reputable means.

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    12 years, 7 months ago

    God damn you Capcom. Quit teasing us. Don't cancel Mega Man Legends 3 and Universe and then start releasing other Mega Man stuff.

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    EETZ Hammatiem
    12 years, 7 months ago

    Capcom? More like CRAPCOM!!! amirite?,

    Iam not even a classic-megaman fan. (Hell i think they are shitty games designed for pretentious "HARDCORE" gamers who constantly brag about their e-penis saying they have fun fighting a arbitrary-robot-master fight when they actually have a pissy-fit when said fight is happening) But this is like a Cinder-Block falling DIRECTLY into a man's testicle-sack.