Fan website 30 Watch has released three screens from 38 Studios, possibly, upcoming MMO now simply titled Project Copernicus.

Most often, screens from an MMO in development really aren't the most exciting thing in the world, but these are a little different. The art direction is just fantastic. It has the vibrance and the color of a World of Warcraft but with the characterization of a Disney movie on at least 2 hits of acid.  It also seems to lend itself well to running at good speed on older computers when scaled down, and looking beautiful on more powerful rigs...a balance necessary for casting as wide a net as popular on the subscription base.

I wouldn't get too excited about these screens, however. As I wrote recently, 38 Studios is going through some hard financial times with some major layoffs happening recently, and almost had to hand the deed of Amalur over to the taxpayers of Rhode Island after failing to make a loan payment to the state, causing scandal that is even reaching the political blogs.

Still, if 38 Studios can muddle through, this may be an MMO to watch.


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    12 years, 8 months ago

    This looks fantastic. I'm not an MMO player at all, but just the art direction alone makes me feel connected to this one. I hope 38 is able to survive the issues they've been having. Project Copernicus looks like a really promising project.

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    38 Studios and Big Huge Games lay off all staff -
    12 years, 8 months ago

    [...] those Project Copernicus screens I wrote about this morning? You might want to file those under the “what might have [...]

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    12 years, 8 months ago

    As promising as this game looks I just don't see it being completed not with what the studio is going through.